Ragnarok Online Classic Calc

A Ragnarok Online Classic (pre-Renewal) calculator, updated by Kurimet, able to simulate characters in PvM, PvP and MvP environments.
Report bugs and suggestions to:

[Noteworthy features] [Características destacables]
[Frequently asked questions] [Preguntas frecuentes]

Changelog 2023-04-16:
• Added renewal's new & evolved pets in "Additional Effects".
• Fixed "Real ATK" in "Stats" showing more ATK increase than should (calculated damage was fine) with +% ATK buffs.
• Fixed Aloevera, Provoke on self and Auto-Berserk adding more damage than should with "Private (classic)" server option.
• Fixed "+% vs Guardian" shown in "% ATK based Damage Modifiers" in "Other Info" not showing all % added (calculated damage was fine).
• Status effects & debuffs in "Debuffs on Enemy" that don't affect Boss type enemies will now be disabled if the selected enemy is Boss type.
• Other small fixes.

Changelog 2023-03-07:
• Added Boss type to ''+% ATK based damage'' dropdown menus in ''Additional Enchants & Manual Edits on Player''.
• Added ''+% skill damage'' in ''Additional Enchants & Manual Edits on Player''.
• Fixed ''Player's Dodge Ratio'' when the enemy uses a magical attack.
• Fixed ''Player Attack Skills'' dropdown menu excluding ''All Damage Skills'' when loading an URL or ''Full Save''.
• Fixed player's element vs enemy ATK/MATK skill reducing damage to 1 instead of 0.
• Improved ''Equipment & Cards'' visual presentation in small screens when selecting Assassin or Assassin Cross job.
• Other small fixes.

Changelog 2023-02-24:
• Fixed Critical from LUK being incremented by LUK*0.3 instead of LUK/3
• Fixed Soft DEF (VIT DEF) and Soft MDEF reducing damage to 0 instead of 1.

(Broken update? Check a [previous version]).

[Read all changelogs] [Leer todos los cambios]


Calc's theme:
RO server:
Equipment job restrictions (this will clear equip, cards, and stats)
Equipment Level restrictions
Equipment slot restrictions
Equipment Card slot restrictions
All Cards everywhere (with bugs)

(icon)Save & Load

(Local Saves are located in your device, just like cookies)

(icon)Your Character

Stats ( remaining Status Points: 48 )
Base Lvl (auto-adjust)
Job Lvl
Race & SizeDemi-Human & Medium
Body ElementNeutral1
STR + 0
AGI + 0
VIT + 0
INT + 0
DEX + 0
LUK + 0
Max HP 40 DEF0+1 HIT2
Max SP 11 MDEF0+1 Perfect Hit0
HP Regen1 Real MDEF0+1 Critical1
SP Regen1 ATK1+0 Critical Shield1.2
ASPD150.3 Real ATK1~1 Flee2
Mov. Speed100 % MATK1~1 WOE Flee1
Perfect Dodge1.1
Equipment & Cards
(no weapon) [0]
(click to show/hide)
ATK: 0 Weapon Lvl: 1 Req. Lvl: 0 Weight: 0
Other Info
Additional Enchants & Manual Edits on Player
(click to show)

(icon)Buffs, Items and other stuff

Passive & Self-casted Skills
Supportive / Party Skills
(click to show)
Food / Speed Potions / other Items
(click to show)
Guild Skills
(click to show)
Music and Dance Skills
(click to show)
Miscellaneous Effects on Player
(click to show)
Additional Effects
(click to show)

(icon)Combat Simulator

Place: Sort:
Max HP1BaseExp1
VIT0DEF0 + 0RaceDemi-Human
INT0MDEF0 + 0ElementNeutral1
DEX0100% Hit21SizeMedium
LUK095% Dodge76TypeNormal
All Damage Skills
Player Attack Skills:
Player's Hit Ratio81.2%
Attack ElementNeutral (100% vs Neutral1)
Weapon/Skill Size Modifier100% (Bare Hand vs Medium)
Critical damage (Critical rate)1 (1.1%)
Minimum Damage1
Average Damage1
Maximum Damage1
0.993 seconds
Damage Per Second0.82
Minimum Number of Hits1
Average Number of Hits2
Maximum Number of HitsInfinite (no 100% hit)
Average Battle Duration1.98 seconds
Enemy Attack Range:
Enemy Attack Skills:
Enemy Attack Element:
Player's Dodge Ratio21.86%
Enemy Attack ElementNeutral (100% vs Neutral1)
Minimum Damage Received1
Average Damage Received1
Maximum Damage Received1
Average Dmg Received (w/dodge)0.78
Number of Enemies attacking you:
Minimum delay between Active Skills:
Defense Investment (custom): [WoE Zone only]

Debuffs on Enemy
Buffs on Enemy
(click to show)
Manual Edits on Enemy
(click to show)