Booster Manufacturing (X-Instict)
Angel COSMOS mission
Agents: Horir Firvoon, Baftot Asluzof, Vianes Ounid, Golarad Hjom, Bollen Odridur
Standings required: None
Booster manufacturing is a single run mission found in null security COSMOS constellations. Each agent will give this mission only once.
Type | Trade |
Objective | Trade 20x Vermillion Cytoserocin (200 m3) |
Ship suggestion | blockade runner (haul), venture (mine locally), prospect (haul or mine locally) |
Rewards | Standard X-Instict Booster BPC (10 run, ME 5, TE 2), Angel Cartel faction standings |
Simple trade mission where the agent requests some cyteserocin and gives drug BPC as a reward. The gas can be mined locally if you have venture or prospect and core probes. Alternatively you can use a blockade runner or prospect to haul the gas from elsewhere. This mission can be completed once for each agent.
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