A Matter of Decorum

The Blood-Stained Stars
Chapter 1: Quality of Mercy

1 Beacon Beckons
2 Agent Inquiry
3 Of Interest
4 Retrieving Red
5 Alerting Alitura
6 Jet-Canning a Janitor
7 Chivvying a Chef
8 Delivering a Doctor
9 Engineering a Rescue
10 Going Gallente

Chapter 2: Automaton Impediment

11 Studying the Scene
12 Rendering Assistance
13 Lair of the Snakes
14 Data Retrieval
15 Crossing Enemy Lines

Chapter 3: Shadow Puppets

16 Passive Observation
17 House of Records
18 Mercenary Distractions
19 An Economy Under Threat
20 Every Drone Inside
21 A Sense of Dread

Chapter 4: Queens And Drones

22 Royal Jelly
23 Nature Pictures
24 Tracking or Scanning
25a Tracking the Queen (Part 1)
26a Tracking the Queen (Part 2)
27a Tracking the Queen (Part 3)
25b Bag of Blood
26b Planting the Body
27b Chasing a Nightmare
28 Burning Down the Hive
29 It's Not Over Yet

Chapter 5: Shifting Foundations

30 An Eye on Everything
31 The Uses of Force
32 Goading the Leader
33 Hunting the Lieutenants
34 Valuable Cargo
35 Marked for Death
36 Thwarting the Succession
37 Certificate of Death

Chapter 6: A Breach of Trust

38 A Matter of Decorum
39 New Friends
40 Recovery
41 Of Quiet Nights Long Past
42 Revelations
43 A Call to Trial
44 Brothers and Sisters

Chapter 7: Closing In

45 A Stranger's Face
46 The Sisters and the Spy
47 Sealing the Deal
48 Chasing Shadows
49 The Missing Piece
50 Our Man Dagan
51 Dal Segno Al Fine

ObjectiveDeliver Mizara's Doll
Rewards200,000 ISK + ~60,000 ISK (bonus)
Файл:Dovirch Anselm.jpg
Dovirch Anselm
Mission briefing
I would speak with you about your search for Dagan, but first, a matter of decorum. The late Mistress Mizara's parents entrusted the safety of their child to my lord. He has attempted to make amends, but I am afraid my lord can be...indelicate. He would replace their daughter with reparations of gold and ISK. This must be handled with more care.

Take this toy. The mistress first arrived at my lord's estate with nothing to her name but this. As you destroyed her body, it is the only physical connection left in this world that her family will recognize as hers. Deliver this to the family, and with the utmost care. They have already suffered enough.

Amarr society is popularly conceived as hierarchical and old-fashioned. True Amarr are thought to dominate all people they conquer, and treat their own people as little better than cattle. While that can be true in certain cases, the political realities of the Amarr Empire are far too complex to paint the Empire as a wholly evil power.

Bring Mizara's doll to the colony where her family lives, in Tanoo.

--The mission can be completed remotely and the next mission can be accepted remotely.--

You will receive 1 x Mizara's Doll to deliver. Don't forget to put it from your items hangar into your cargo before undocking. Warp to the encounter. You will be placed about 18km away from Mizara Familty Hovel. Aproach it and drop Mizara's Doll into their home. Mission complete. Hopefully, it will help the family in their grieving process.

On turn in, Dovrich Anselm says: "Thank you for doing this, my friend. To see others suffer is never easy."

Next Mission: New Friends

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