A New Venture

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A New Venture is a 5 part mission chain issued by Distribution division Agents. it consists of 2 Courier and 3 Encounter missions.

A New Venture – Education is Key (1 of 5)

ObjectivePick up and deliver skill book (0.1 m3)
Mission briefing
I have this crazy idea about owning my own outpost. I've heard it's just like printing ISK. I'm in strong enough favor with the local powers, and I've secured a number of interested investors. Now I just need to put my plans into action.

First thing I need is an instructional book on running a corporation. The books you capsuleers use are a bit over my head. Luckily, I've found the perfect book for me. I'll pay you to go and pick it up for me.

A New Venture – Right People (2 of 5)

ObjectivePickup 1x Group of Homeless (40 m3)
Mission briefing
I hate people, personally. But it's damn hard to get anything done in this universe by yourself. With that in mind, I've recently hired a number of highly trained...I can't say that with a straight face.

Bums. I hired bums.

Go pick up my bums.

A New Venture – Healthy Competition (3 of 5)

ObjectiveDestroy the Supply Shipment and retrieve 8 units of Construction Tools(80 m3) from the jetcan.
Mission briefing
There's a small family-run corporation operating in the neighboring system. A real pain, you know? They've got a corner on just about every small commodity in the region. I can't even get any of their suppliers to sell to me, and it's pissing me off.

I've got a plan, though. They keep getting exclusive contracts because they keep their shipments secret and secure. But I've figured out where they go. I know when and where one of their supply shipments are going to be. And even better, it's in a dead space pocket that CONCORD doesn't monitor.

Intercept the ship, blow it up, and bring the supplies--construction tools, I think-- back to me.

The supply ship does not aggro even when being attacked.

A New Venture – Rough Market (4 of 5

A New Venture – Rough Market (4 of 5)
ObjectiveKill all remaining mercenaries.
Best damage to dealKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resistKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Mission briefing
It's that blasted family corp! They've sent mercenaries after my new outpost. Can you believe that? I mean, yeah, I may have messed with their supply route a bit, but-- Who do they think they are?!

Get to my outpost. Kill every mercenary you can. Maybe it's not too late to save it.

When you first warp in, there will be several kamikaze pilots and missile batteries. Soon after warp, the station your agent created explodes, killing most of the NPCs(Group A).

At arival
Group A 30-35km
Frigate 9 x Frigate Kamikaze Pilot Ship type: Mercenary Rookie
Sentry 4 x Sentry Gallente Cruise Missile Batery
Group B 43km
Frigate 3 x Frigate Mercenary Rookie
When handing in the mission:
Blew up? How the-- Oh, I'm going to get them. They will suffer.

...And I just paid that thing off!

A New Venture – Final Negotiations (5 of 5)

A New Venture – Final Negotiations (5 of 5)
ObjectiveDestroy the Dainty Rose.
Best damage to dealElectromagnetic damage EMExplosive damage Ex
Damage to resistElectromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Mission briefing
I will stay here to maintain appearances. You will be the instrument of my justice.

I have it on good authority that the mother and son owners of that corp are taking a scenic cruise aboard the tour ship, the Dainty Rose. Off seeing the sights of the universe or something. They think they're safe out in public. It's too bad pirates don't care about their public image.

I need you to destroy the Dainty Rose. I'll make sure it is recorded as a pirate raid. Don't worry about taking out any other ships that might show up. The Dainty Rose is your only concern.

Warp in, shoot up the cruiser. The cruiser drops tourists. It does no significant damage.

After mision message:
Nefarious pirates? What are you talking-- Oh, right. I mean great! Great! Now I don't have to worry about their competition.

You've done good work for me, <Pilot>. I won't forget this.


Mission reports - COSMOS - Epic arcs - Faction warfare missions
Blitzing - Loyalty Points
General PvE info
Factions - NPC damage types - NPC naming conventions - Fitting ships

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