After The Seven - "Decision"

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This mission is issued by a Security division agent and is part of the 5 part mission chain After The Seven

ObjectiveDeal with Locced
Best damage to dealKinetic damage KinThermal damage ThKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resistThermal damage ThKinetic damage KinKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Mission briefing
Here's the rescued hostage's message:

“Brave Capsuleer,

Allow me to offer my sincere thanks for your efforts to rescue me and my fellow hostages from the clutches of The Seven. If you would be interested, I've offered Lavamogar Einur a sum of ISK to pay you in exchange for doing me a little favor.

During my time with The Seven, one of their officers was so cruel that I‘m inclined to seek revenge on a personal level. Seeing as you have become quite familiar with their organization and tactics, I can think of no one better suited for carrying out this task. Please destroy his ship for me.

If you‘re interested, the target‘s name is Locced and I happen to know where he‘ll be in the near future, as one of his lieutenants let the information slip during casual conversation when I was nearby.

Once again, thank you for freeing me from The Seven‘s clutches. I hope you find my offer appealing.“

Well, <Character>, what do you say?

Upon warp-in, Locced (Destroyer) will be within 20km. If you attack him, 2 extra Guristas frigates will spawn at 25km. There is also a bribe container (it contains scrap metal). If you approach the cargo container Locced will despawn. If you attack Locced the cargo container will despawn.

Kill Locced or open the cargo container to complete the mission.

Locced's Message
I'm glad you got my message. Implanting triggered responses into the minds of our former captives is the easy part; the hard part is figuring out what to do with nosy capsuleers that interfere with our operation. Listen, we're both capsuleers, so there's really no point in dueling out here in the middle of space, is there? Here's my offer: If you head over to those asteroids, you'll find a cargo container with some valuable odds and ends inside. You don't have to tell anyone where you got them.

Initial on grid

Destroyer 1 x Destroyer Locced Reinforcement and message on damage
Container Locced's Bribe Scrap Metal
Locced's message
I had hoped you where smarter than that. Let’s waste some time and recources then. Here we go, boys!

Frigate 1-2 x Frigate Pithi Invader/Infiltrator
Agent after completion
What am I, your receptionist? Here's another message from that hostage you rescued:

“Trustworthy Capsuleer,

It's going to take Locced quite a while to replace that ship. Well done, and thank you again for all of your efforts against The Seven.”

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