An Advantageous Catastrophe

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An Advantageous Catastrophe is a Level 4 mission involving combat against the Gallente Federation.

FactionGallente - Very Minor Standing Loss (0.002)
Best damage to dealThermal damage ThKinetic damage Kin
Damage to resistKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Warp disruptionYes (Elite Federation Manica/Libertus)
EWARSensor dampening (Federation Praktor Navis Praetoria, Elite Federation Matara)
Ship suggestionBattleship/Command Ship/Strategic Cruiser
Mission briefing
A secret Gallente outpost nearby just suffered a catastrophic overload in its main power core. The resulting explosion obliterated the outpost. The Gallente navy is on its way there to look for survivors.

We don't care about the Gallente civilians, but we do care about the massive amount of sensitive information that might be stored in the remnants of the outpost's central information core. That outpost was a communications hub routing vast amounts of data back into Gallente space. There's no telling what secrets we could uncover with that information core.

We want you to go to the remnants of the outpost and sift through the debris until you find that central data core. Just pick it up and bring it back.

This might sound easy, except that the Gallente Navy is already en route to the location. They likely won't be looking for the core themselves; they'll be picking up survivors. However, intelligence reports say that the rescue fleet is large, and they might not react favorably to Amarr vessels nosing around in the face of their tragedy.

Video: [Sentry Dominix]


No aggro on warp-in. The mission objective is marked as complete once the last battleship in Wave 3 has been destroyed.

Initial Group, 40km

Frigate 4 x Frigate Federation Libertus/Manica
Destroyer 3 x Destroyer Federation Arcus/Pelekus Last destroyed triggers Wave 1

Killing a random battleship will trigger Wave 2, and killing the last battleship in Wave 1 will trigger Wave 3.

The Federation Hexeris orbits at 50-55km, and has an optimal range of 45km.

Wave 1, 40-50km
Elite Frigate 3 x Elite Frigate Elite Federation Manica/Libertus Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Destroyer 8 x Destroyer Federation Pelekus/Arcus
Battlecruiser 3 x Battlecruiser Federation Praktor Auxilia
Battleship 5 x Battleship Federation Covinus/Navis Longa/Praeses/Hexeris
Elite Battleship 1 x Elite Battleship Federation Praktor Navis Praetoria Remote Sensor Dampener
Wave 2, 20km
Elite Frigate 3 x Elite Frigate Elite Federation Matara Remote Sensor Dampener
Battlecruiser 4 x Battlecruiser Federation Praktor Arx/Bearcus/Quadrier
Battleship 3 x Battleship Federation Praktor Phanix/Magister
Wave 3, 60km
Elite Frigate 2 x Elite Frigate Elite Federation Manica/Libertus Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Elite Cruiser 4 x Elite Cruiser Elite Federation Mentes/Quadrieis
Battleship 3 x Battleship Federation Praktor Magister/Phanix Last killed triggers mission complete

The Elite Federation Mataras and Elite Federation Manicas should be dealt with first, as their sensor dampening and web/scram capabilities can greatly reduce both a ship's combat effectiveness and ability to escape.


  1. Kill all Destroyers upon warp-in (spawns wave 1).
  2. Kill battleships until Wave 3 spawns.
  3. Kill all battleships from Wave 3.


This mission can potentially drop large numbers of officer tags along with various other loot, and the numerous enemy ships can also provide a large amount of salvage.

value of tags: 20-23 Mio, value of salvage: ~4 Mio, value of other loot: ~10 Mio

Possible Tag Drops

  • Federation Navy Fleet Captain Insignia I
  • Federation Navy Fleet Colonel Insignia I
  • Federation Navy Fleet Colonel Insignia II
  • Federation Navy Fleet Major Insignia I
  • Federation Navy Fleet Midshipman Insignia I
  • Federation Navy Fleet Sergeant Insignia I
  • Federation Navy Fleet Sergeant Insignia II
  • Federation Navy Fleet Sergeant Insignia III

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Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 13 сентября 2021 в 13:08.