
Файл:Logo faction gallente federation.png
Chapter 1: Impetus

1 Impetus
2 The Tolle Scar
3 Priority One
4 The Averon Exchange
5 A Different Kind of Director
6 Assistance
7 The High or Low Road

Chapter 2a: Scoping The Scene

8 Outside The Scope
9 Hidden Camera
10 Rendezvous
11 Handoff
12 With Authority

Chapter 2b: Eagle Grip

8 Into the Black
9 Poor Man's Shakedown
10 Underground Circus
11 Intaki Chase
12 Rat in a Corner

Chapter 3: Inertia

13 Places to Hide
14a Little Fingers
14b Oldest Profession
14c Octomet Plantation
15 Carry On
16 Studio I
17 Showtime
18 Where's the Line?
19a Everybody Has a Price
19b Safe Return

ObjectiveDestroy hostile ships
Best damage to dealKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resistKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Warp disruptionMercenary Wingman
Rewards2M ISK + 1M ISK (6h)
Extra4M in Bounties
Mission briefing
Welcome to Stetille, <Character>. My name is Eron Viette. Gian said you'd been invaluable to us recently, so if there is any way I can further assist you, please let me know.

I understand that you're seeking a meeting with our Sinq Laison Regional Director. That would be Mr. Roire, Audalle Roire. He spends most of his time at our space-bound office complex here in Stetille. I'm afraid he's not very fond of the media, and since they have free docking access to any of our publicly listed stations, you can most often guess he won't be in any of them.

I'll patch the coordinates to the offices if you like?

Ungated semi-deadspace pocket zero jumps away in the same System.

Blitz: destroy all Mercenary Overlords, then destroy the single newly spawned Mercenary Overlord.


  • Approach Audalle Roire with a throwaway ship to spawn the enemies, then warp at 100 km with your combat ship
  • Groups 1-5 will spawn in rapid succession; there is a slim chance you will be able to tank them
  • Mercenary Overlords deal 70% Thermal damage over 30 km range and approach at 300 m/s
  • You do not need to destroy any ship except for the Mercenary Overlords


Impetus Regional Offices
The offices for Impetus' Sinq Laison Regional division are housed in Stetille, the only system in the entire region where Impetus has financed the construction of development studios. The proximity to other nations' borders has made the Sinq Laison offices an ideal place for foreign investors and shareholders to touch base with the region's own holoreel bureaucracy.

Friendly (35 km)

Cruiser 1 x Friendly Cruiser Audalle Roire
Incoming Transmission
Welcome, pilot. Eron told me to expect you, but not to expect other company. I'm guessing those Minmatar ships in warp to us both aren't with you?

Arriving hostiles (10 km)
Group 1
Elite Frigate 4 x Elite Frigate Mercenary Elite Fighter
Elite Frigate 3 x Elite Frigate Mercenary Wingman Stasis Webifier
Cruiser 6 x Cruiser Pator 6
Group 2
Battleship 3 x Battleship Mercenary Overlord
Group 3
Battleship 3 x Battleship Mercenary Overlord
Group 4
Battleship 3 x Battleship Mercenary Overlord
Group 5
Battleship 3 x Battleship Mercenary Overlord

Group 6

Battleship 1 x Battleship Mercenary Overlord Destroy to complete the Mission

Group 7

Battleship 1-2 x Battleship Mercenary Overlord
Agent Conversation when Mission is completed
Alright, I've just spoken with Mr. Roire. He wasn't too pleased that those Matari followed you back to the offices. Good thing you cleaned them up; otherwise he'd have been less inclined to help. I've been forwarded all of the relevant files you'll need to continue your investigation. When you're ready, just return to me, and we can begin.

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