Attack of the Killer Drones - ST 58 (1 of 3)

Minmatar COSMOS mission

Agent: Godun Sakt
Agent location: The Asylum (Lanngisi)
Standings required: 4.00 Minmatar Republic
Parts: (1 of 3), (2 of 3), (3 of 3)

ObjectiveRetrieve ST 58 Memory Chip
FactionRogue Drones
Best damage to dealElectromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resistExplosive damage ExKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Mission briefing
Well, it's rather complicated. But to keep it simple, I'll give you the short version. A few days ago, I completed my latest project, the ST 50 series. They were supposed to be ultra-intelligent fighter drones, specifically ordered by the Minmatar Fleet to serve in our armed forces. In all of the tests I performed on them, they seemed to be in fine condition, easily dispatching all the previous models in our combat simulation tests. However, shortly after they were released from our lab and sent into action, they went missing. The loss was an enormous blow to Boundless Creation, especially considering all the time, effort, and money we spent creating those things.

The sortie that they were on when they went missing was to attack a massive rogue drone hive within Barkrik. They were accompanied by over a dozen human pilots, who also haven't been seen since. I'm not sure exactly what happened there, but a rumor is spreading that they were overwhelmed and captured by the rogue drone mothership. I can't imagine such a thing happening, but...

Anyway, a few days later we heard of a terrible tragedy in Hjoramold. An entire settlement was destroyed by rampaging rogue drones. I didn't think much of it at the time, considering rogue drone attacks are pretty frequent in these parts, but later that day I turned on the evening news I heard something that chilled me to the bone. The recent rogue drone attacks were led by none other than one of my own ST drones! I couldn't believe my ears at first, but it was true. I don't know how, but the rogue drones have somehow managed to reconfigure the ST's AI chip and turn it into a rampaging monster! It must be stopped at all costs; its existence is a terrible blow to my career, and the more damage it causes, the more likely I am to lose my job. You must help me!

Unfortunately, the rogues seem to have deactivated the tracking devices I had installed into the STs. However, I have managed to triangulate the location of two of them, and the third has already been destroyed by local independent capsuleers. You'll find ST 58 at the bookmarked location that I'm about to upload into your NeoCom, floating around a deadspace pocket filled with asteroids. Please bring back its memory chip so that I can study it and find out what went wrong.

Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 13 сентября 2021 в 13:08.