Beizan Picholen (1 of 6)

Main article: Beizan Picholen

Gallente data center storyline mission
Agent: Avrue Auz
Agent location: Lirsautton I - CreoDron Factory
Standings required: none
Parts: (prequel), (1 of 6), (2 of 6), (3 of 6), (4 of 6), (5 of 6), (6 of 6)

ObjectiveAqcuire 1 x Kelmiler's Transaction Documents 18992 D (0.1m³)
Rewards147,000 + time bonus
Mission briefing
Since you are so eager to work for me, <Capsuleer>, I would like to start off our relationship by explaining a few critical details.

Fly to the trade hub and extract a clue that will help Avrue in her plight. A good place to look is inside one of Kelmiler's warehouses. Perhaps his transaction logs may reveal something. Make sure that you also remove all the guards protecting the warehouse.

Avrue's Story
I am Avrue Auz, agent of Beizan Picholen. I came to Chandeille (Lirsautton V) eight years ago, during the height of the Picholen-Auboure family feud. Deni Picholen hired me as Beizan's secretary and financial manager. The Picholen family is quite wealthy, having long owned a number of franchises connected with Kaalakiota and their wares.

Anyway, the feud was quite draining on the Picholens, especially their wallet. But the biggest disaster the family had ever faced came only a few years ago. It was a dreadfully cold afternoon during the height of the Chabash winter on Chandeille when I received the news that a Picholen industrial had been caught by planetary security forces, trying to smuggle a troop of slaves and illegal combat boosters into Namin City. Speculation had it that the slaves were to be used as cheap manpower in a secret military operation directed against Auboure, named after its ancient ruling family.

To me, this siezure of assets was bad enough, but to make matters far worse, my employer, Beizan, was directly implicated in the deal, for the industrial smuggling the contraband had been rented in his name. It was a debacle. Kaalakiota canceled their multi-million ISK deal with Picholen, and the Governor of Chandeille placed a huge fine on the family that has basically crippled its financial status. In other words, the Picholens lost everything other than their name and sovereignty over Namin City. Most of their lands were confiscated, as well as their overseas bank accounts. I'm a bit surprised you haven't heard this story, in fact; it was all over the Federation media at the time.

But anyway, to cut the story short, Beizan was imprisoned in Pinmouth, an infamous Federation prison facility in Lirsautton, and resides there still. It is my firm belief, however, that Beizan is really innocent, and that is why I sent for someone like you.


Frigate 6 x Frigate Security Enforcer

The acceleration gate at warp-in is protected by a few rookie ships.

First pocket

Elite Frigate 2 x Elite Frigate Security Enforcer Elite Auto-Aggro
Container 1 x Kelmiler's Warehouse Kelmiler's Transaction Documents 18992 D
Kelmiler Delbone
How'd you get by the guards?! Leave this instant or my mercenaries will take care of you!

A few elite frigates. Deal with them and grab the mission item. The container is not locked but the guards need to be killed to complete the mission.

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