Cargo Delivery (Angel Cartel) (Level 1)

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Security Guide
Distribution Guide
Mining Guide

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Epic Arcs
Data Center
Faction Warfare

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The Ploy
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Career Agents

ObjectiveRetrieve the cargo from the warehouse, and bring it to your agent.
FactionAngel Cartel
Best damage to dealExplosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Damage to resistExplosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
ExtraRetrieving cargo from the warehouse triggers first wave
Mission briefing
Here is a mission suited for someone of your caliber.

I need a shipment of Synthetic Oil delivered to this station as soon as possible. It's currently stored in one of our warehouses in <system>; I'll give you the coordinates, of course. Just warp to our outpost, navigate to the warehouse, and pick up the shipment, and then return it to <Agent location>. Simple, ain't it?

Just make sure you keep a lookout for any suspicious activity. You can't be too careful these days.

Video: [Rifter (Blitzing)]

Blitz: Retrieve the cargo from the warehouse, and bring it to your agent.

First Wave, 16-25km

Frigate 6-8 x Frigate Gistii Outlaw / Thug / Raider
Frigate 1 x Frigate Gistii Ambusher/Raider There is only one ship of trigger type in the wave Destroying will spawn the second wave

In local chat:
The destruction of one of the pirate ships has alerted a nearby gang, who have joined in on the fray.
Second Wave, 20-27km

Frigate 7-10 x Frigate Gistii Hijacker / Rogue / Thug / Outlaw
Frigate 1 x Frigate Mitylen Likk Gistii Impaler / Hunter

Mission reports - COSMOS - Epic arcs - Faction warfare missions
Blitzing - Loyalty Points
General PvE info
Factions - NPC damage types - NPC naming conventions - Fitting ships

Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 13 сентября 2021 в 13:16.