Choonka's Request (3 of 4)

Main article: Quelling The Insurgency

Amarr data center storyline mission
Agent: Mamin Choonka
Agent location: Ashab planet 2 moon
Standings required: none
parts: (1 of 4), (2 of 4), (3 of 4), (4 of 4)

ObjectiveDestroy rogue Khanid ships and retrieve Secret Documents (0.1m³)
FactionKhanid Kingdom
Best damage to dealElectromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resistThermal damage ThElectromagnetic damage EM
ExtraNo standing loss
Mission briefing
Your third and final mission for me is to eliminate a group of rogue Khanid pilots in Ashab. I entrusted them with some very confidential information, and they've repaid my trust by trying to blackmail me. Once you've reduced their ships to slag, report back to me. But don't forget to search the wreckage of their ships just incase they leave something behind, such as notes or any data concerning me. I don't want the authorities to trace their deaths back to me. That would cause some, er, unfortunate complications.

[when complete]

Magnificent!! You passed the test, <Capsuleer>. Nice work. Not only have you shown that you can handle yourself in combat, but you've also proven yourself to be reliable under ... "difficult" circumstances. I now truly believe I can trust you.

The acceleration gate at warp-in is unguarded.

First pocket

Frigate 4 x Frigate Khanid Rookie
Sentry 1 x Sentry Khanid Point Defense Battery
Khanid Rookie
You're Choonka's lackey, aren't you? We've been expecting you.

Blow up the Khanid frigates and sentry, grab the goods, and return to the agent. The container with the required item is dropped by the last destroyed ship.

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