Civilian Pullout

Civilian Pullout
ObjectiveTransport 20 x Minmatar Civilians (100.0 m³)
Ship suggestionCloaking ship
Rewards730k ISK + 761k ISK (4h)
Mission briefing

With political relations between the Ammatar and the Minmatar Republic quickly deteriorating, things look dire for our citizens across the border. There are thousands of Nefantar inhabitants stuck in the Tartatven constellation, some who are working there on official business, others who simply settled there years ago. The Republic government refuses to let the majority of them leave their sovereign space and, in fact, has many under constant surveillance.

We fear that their lives may be at risk should the Ammatar declare war on the Republic and invade Audesder. There's already a huge buildup of military forces here in Kenobanala, and many fear that war is inevitable. So it's my task to ensure the safe return of as many Nefantar to Ammatar space as possible.

What I need you to do is deliver a group of Nefantar refugees from Aeddin II - Imperial Armaments Warehouse to Fort Kumar. I will then relocate them to one of our settlements in Joas.

May God light your path.

Mission Debriefing
You have done well, <Character>. But our task is not finished. There are still thousands of Nefantars that need to be moved. If you have more time on your hands, I'd like you to make a few more runs to Aedald for me.

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