Enemies Abound (2 of 5)

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Main article: Enemies Abound
ObjectiveTransport 1x Encoded Data Chip (0.1 m3) to agent station.
Ship suggestionFast frigate or shuttle
Mission briefing
Alright, I've been asked by the government agent who has been on the illegal settler case to help him retrieve some data from the information center in Kulelen. He says it's important for his investigation into who these people really are, and where they come from. This data is too sensitive to send via transmission, so someone has to go retrieve the data chip for us. Considering you're already involved in this case, I think that someone should be you.

If you're up for it, then I'd be very grateful. You'll find the data chip on one of the stations in Kulelen. I've uploaded the exact details into your journal.

Next: Enemies Abound (3 of 5)

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