Epidemic - Food Relief (2 of 2)

Minmatar COSMOS mission
Agent: Beris Nitrus
Agent location: Sanctum Psychosis (Lanngisi)
Standings required: None
Parts: (1 of 2), (2 of 2)

ObjectiveDeliver 5 x Dairy Products (2.5m³)
Rewards3 run storyline BPC + Servant Sisters of EVE faction standing
Mission briefing
Those antibiotics you delivered were useless, the epidemic has spread across the entire planet and I don't think there's anything we can do to help those people any more. The doctors there have become infected themselves and nobody has any idea what the sickness is or what it's made of.

However, my friend, I do have other jobs for you. The refugee camp at Inder VII - Moon 11 - Sisters of EVE Bureau is running low on supplies. I want you to deliver these dairy products to the officials there for them to give to the needy. Please complete this as quickly as possible, people's lives are at stake.

Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 13 сентября 2021 в 13:18.