Get the Relic

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ObjectiveRetrieve the Ancient Amarrian Relic from the jettisoned cargo container.
FactionBlood Raiders
Best damage to dealElectromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resistElectromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Ship size limitUp to Cruiser sized hulls
Mission briefing
The transport Santaros had a bulkhead failure in a nearby system and was forced to jettison its cargo. Its crew barely made it back in one piece, and the cargo's mostly a dead loss, but among the junk they had to ditch was a relic from Old Amarr, an item of little value to you or me, but vital to Lord Kendron Horowan, a noble who is friendly with House Tash-Murkon. We need someone to get out to <System> and find the relic. There's a reward in it for you if you succeed, as well as the gratitude of an important nobleman.

I've uploaded the location of the Santaros's cargo dump into your onboard computer. It should appear in your bookmarks. Once you've located the relic, get it back to me here.

Single Pocket


Frigate 4 x Frigate Corpii Upholder/Herald
Destroyer 2 x Destroyer Corpior Visionary


  • 9 x Pyroxeres
  • 9 x Scordite
  • 9 x Veldspar.

Mission reports - COSMOS - Epic arcs - Faction warfare missions
Blitzing - Loyalty Points
General PvE info
Factions - NPC damage types - NPC naming conventions - Fitting ships

Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 13 сентября 2021 в 13:19.