Heads Of Management (2 of 2)

Heads Of Management (2 of 2)
ObjectiveAcquire 1 x Airkio Yanjulen's Corpse (1.0 m³)
Rewards1 x Cybernetic Subprocessor - Standard + 10 x Standard Blue Pill Booster (6h)
Mission briefing

Now on to the big fish. As you undoubtedly know, our biggest threat in E-8CSQ has been the Guristas organization. Although they seem to be quite disorganized, as you would expect for a pirate organization, their top man here is rumored to be Airkio Yanjulen, a commander residing in O-LR1H. Killing him should weaken them considerably ... at least I hope so.

Bring me proof of his death and I'll reward you generously. The last I heard he was stationed in the Guristas War Installation in one of their outposts within O-LR1H. You will have to use your system scanner in that system and search for the 'Iacta Space Plain' to find him.

This is an important mission, which will have significant impact on your faction standings.

You have to kill Airkio Yanjulen. All rats on grid will agress and attack you when you kill him.

Mission Debriefing
Excellent work, <Character>. A rather gruesome sight, but his corpse will do. I will notify the admiral immediately. You may go.

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