Hidden Enemy Base (Minmatar Republic)

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Hidden Enemy Base, Level 5
Best damage to dealExplosive
Damage to resistAll
Warp disruptionT2 Frigates have a chance to web and/or scramble. T2 Cruisers have a chance to web.
Ship suggestionPassive shield tanked ships (eg: Drake, Nighthawk, etc)
ExtraEnergy Neutralizer Towers

Space type: Deadspace with gates

Pocket 1

Upon warp-in you will find three gates stacked vertically. The top gate goes to pocket 2, the middle gate goes to pocket 4 and the lower gate goes to pocket 3. You need to destroy the Remote Cloaking Array in pockets 2 and 3 before you go to pocket 4.

Pocket 2

Everything aggros on warp-in. 8x Minmatar Stasis Tower
5x Heavy Assault Ships (Chief Republic Klaki/Orsin/Pafi/Tenar)
9x Assault Ships (Chief Republic Kvarm/Gleeda)
Make sure to destroy the Remote Cloaking Array while you're here. This pocket contains an acceleration gate back to the first pocket.

Pocket 3

Again, everything aggros on warp-in. 9x Minmatar Energy Neutralizer Towers
2x Battleships (Republic Jotun/Jarl)
9x Assault Ships (Chief Republic Magni/Ivan/Isak/Iflin)
Make sure to destroy the Remote Cloaking Array while you're here. This pocket also contains an acceleration gate back to the first pocket.

Pocket 4

Everything aggros on warp-in. 6x Battleships (Republic Ymir)
6x Battlecruisers (Republic Norn/Nutia)
This pocket contains an acceleration gate back to the first pocket. If you destroyed the Remote Cloaking Arrays in pockets 2 and 3, then there will be another acceleration gate that will take you to pocket 5.

Pocket 5

Everything aggros on warp-in. 5x Minmatar Heavy Missile Batteries
10x Heavy Assault Ships (Chief Republic Jarpur/Orka)
This pocket contains an acceleration gate back to the first pocket as well as an acceleration gate to pocket 6.

Pocket 6

Everything aggros on warp-in. This pocket contains the Minmatar Station which you must destroy to complete the mission. 4x Minmatar Energy Neutralizer Towers
4x Minmatar Tower Sentries
4x Minmatar Heavy Missiles Batteries
10x Battleships (Republic Ymir/Sigur)
7x Heavy Assault Ships (Chief Republic Orsin/Nutia/Norn)
4x Assault Ships (Chief Republic Ivan/Gleeda)

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Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 13 сентября 2021 в 13:19.