Honor (Angel Cartel)

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Honor, Level 5
FactionAngel Cartel
Best damage to dealEx/Kin
Damage to resistExpl/ Therm / Kin / EM
Warp disruptionAll Frigates
Ship suggestion(1) Maelstrom w/ Passive Tank, plus (1) Maelstrom w/ Shield Transporters
ExtraEnergy Neutralizer Sentries, Target Painters

Space type: Deadspace - Gated
Acceleration Gate into Deadspace.

Pocket 1

Ships at 25-60k Шаблон:Image url="http://i609.photobucket.com/albums/tt174/climb22033/Honor5an-1.jpg" title="Positions at Warp-In" alt="Positions at Warp-In"
2 x Cruisers (Arch Gistum Marauder) orbits at 5km 2 x Battlecruisers (Gistatis Legatus) orbits at 23km 13 x Battleships (Gist Cherubim/Seraphim/Saint*) orbits at 34-39km, *Target Painter 1 x Tower Sentry Angel III 4 x Angel Cruise Missile Batteries 1 x Angel Stasis Tower 2 x Angel Energy Neutralizer Sentry IIIs

Pocket 2

Ships at 25-75k Шаблон:Image url="http://i609.photobucket.com/albums/tt174/climb22033/Honor5an-2.jpg" title="Positions at Warp-In" alt="Positions at Warp-In"
6 x Frigates (Arch Gistii Hunter/Nomad*) orbits at 2-7km, Web/Scramble, *Target Painter 3 x Cruisers (Arch Gistum Breaker) orbits at 20km, Web 3 x Battlecruisers (Gistatis Tribunus) orbits at 22km 9 x Battleships (Gist Cherubim/Nephilim*) orbits at 31-39km, *Target Painter 4 x Angel Heavy Missile Batteries 8 x Angel Cruise Missile Batteries 5 x Angel Energy Neutralizer Sentry IIs -Spawn 1:

When the Recruitment Station is reduced to 10% Shields 3 x Cruisers (Arch Gistum Phalanx) orbits at 24km 3 x Battleships (Gist Cherubim) orbits at 39km Mission is flagged as complete when Recruitment Station (Objective) is destroyed. Even if all the ships are not destroyed (Blitz). Tips:
- Consider a Passive Tank, especially for Pocket 2 with five Neuts
- Pocket 1 ships deal 1,916 hp/s (Expl: 43%, Therm: 35%, Kin: 13%, EM: 10%)

- Pocket 2 ships deal 1,766 hp/s (Expl: 37%, Therm: 46%, Kin: 17%)

Mission reports - COSMOS - Epic arcs - Faction warfare missions
Blitzing - Loyalty Points
General PvE info
Factions - NPC damage types - NPC naming conventions - Fitting ships

Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 13 сентября 2021 в 13:19.