Hunting the Hunter


ObjectiveRetrieve 1 x Rahsa, Sansha Commander (1.0 m3)
FactionSansha's Nation
Best damage to dealElectromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resistElectromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
EWARNeuts, tracking disruption
Rewards1,000,000 + time bonus
Файл:Amarr epic 12.jpg
Mission briefing
Mina has quite a story to tell. Jariza has been courting Lord Darabi for some time. Jariza's been so good at winning Darabi's trust that Mina became suspicious. Mina proved an amazing spy: She's not only traced funds flowing from Darabi to Jariza, but she also found an interesting communication from one Rahsa Teff.

Rahsa Teff is a known felon and former Blood Raider. The MIO lost track of him a year ago. Rumor was another pirate group poached him. It sounds as if the rumor is true. Not only is Rahsa Teff with the Sansha, but you met him already. He's the Sansha commander who kept eluding us.

I've traced the source of Rahsa's message. We know where he and the Sansha are located. Let's end this. Eliminate the Sansha base, and capture Rahsa Teff.

[Video: Typhoon]

Progress through the rooms and obtain 1 x Rahsa, Sansha Commander (1.0 m3).

Blitz: Clear the warpin. In first room kill enough ships for your tank to sustain the incoming DPS. Do not trigger the additional spawns and blow up the structure. Proceed to last room, destroy the commander and grab Rahsa, Sansha Commander from the wreck.

Acceleration Gate Entrance


Elite Cruiser 6 x Elite Cruiser Centum Loyal Fiend/Hellhound
Battleship 3 x Battleship Centus Dark Lord/Dread Lord
Sentry 6 x Sentry Sansha Heavy Missile Battery Mjolnir missiles (EM)

Room 1

Initial Group

Elite Frigate 2 x Elite Frigate Centii Loyal Savage/Slavehunter Tracking Disruptor
Battlecruiser 4 x Battlecruiser Centatis Devil/Daemon Last ship destroyed triggers Wave 1
Battleship 4 x Battleship Centus Tyrant/Dread Lord Last ship destroyed triggers Wave 2
Sentry 1 x Sentry Sansha Energy Neutralizer I
Sentry 2 x Sentry Sansha Sentry III
Far group +100 km
Elite Cruiser 3 x Elite Cruiser Centum Loyal Mutilator/Torturer
Battleship 3 x Battleship Centus Beast Lord/Savage Lord/Overlord Tracking Disruptor

Wave 1

Elite Cruiser 3 x Elite Cruiser Centum Loyal Execrator/Slaughterer Tracking Disruptor

Wave 2

Elite Frigate 3 x Elite Frigate Centii Loyal Plague/Butcher
Battleship 3 x Battleship Centus Beast Lord/Plague Lord Tracking Disruptor


Acceleration Gate 1 x Acceleration Gate Locked until the battletower is destoyed.
Structure 1 x Sansha Battletower Destroying unlocks the Acceleration Gate T1 ammo and modules.

Room 2

Destroying Rahsa's Battleship completes the mission objective. Don't forget to grab the commander from the wreck.


Battleship 1 x Battleship Rahsa's Battleship 1 x Rahsa, Sansha Commander
Message from Rahsa:
Well, you're quite the formidable one, aren't you? I have a proposal for you.

When you report back to your agent, tell him that you've destroyed my forces, and that I should be executed. Yes, I'm a capsuleer too, but he doesn't need to know that. Do this and I'll make sure you get introduced to one of my friends. The Nation treats its friends well.


Structure 1 x Rahsa's Habitation Module Basic trade goods

Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 13 сентября 2021 в 13:19.