Lost That Bet

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Lost That Bet is a 5 part mission chain issued by Distribution division Agents. It consists of a Courier and 4 Encounter missions

Lost That Bet (1 of 5)

ObjectiveBring Dolls (1m3) to your agent
Mission briefing
The thing is, I don't know. Look... I lost a bet with this guy I know, and I was dumb enough to agree to do five forfeits-- “to be named later”-- when I thought I was going to win. Now I've got no idea what he's holding over me.

On top of that, part of the deal is that I've got to stay put, so I have to find someone who'll follow these freaking bizarre directions.

If you're willing to help me out, I'll upload the station info to your journal; all you have to do is go pick up the item that doesn't belong there and bring it back to me.

Lost That Bet (2 of 5)

TypeEncounter (Cargo retrieval)
ObjectiveGo to the set location and wait for a drop. Return the item to your agent. 1x Dolls(1m3)
Best damage to dealKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resistKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
ExtraDo NOT shoot him
Mission briefing
Well, you're not going to like it. He's set a location-- I'll upload it for you-- and you're supposed to fly out there and wait around for a drop. I don't know how long he's gonna make you wait, so be patient. And don't fire on anybody!

Single Pocket:

no initial spawn.

Mercenary Rookie shows up

In local
What are you doing still sitting here?

and disappears - keep waiting Mercenary Rookie appears again

In local
Don't forget this when you go!

take's a potshot at you, drops the dolls into your cargo hold and disappears.

Lost That Bet (3 of 5)

ObjectiveThere are four dolls hidden in a series of deadspace pockets. Collect them all.(4m3)
Mission briefing
I don't want to talk about it. Whenever I close my eyes I can still hear the screams...

So, yes, more dolls. There are four dolls hidden in a series of deadspace pockets. How he found an unused chain of acceleration gates, I have no idea. But they're out there. Go to each canister, take a doll, and then use the acceleration gate to get to the next room. There should be four rooms and four dolls.


One "Cargo Container - Dolls", about 30km away. Go figure.

Pocket 1:


Pocket 2:

Once more. Did I mention you want to bring an afterburner?

Pocket 3:

Yay, another "Cargo Container - Dolls".

Lost That Bet (4 of 5)

TypeEncounter (Mining)
ObjectiveMine until you find the damn doll.
ExtraBring mining equipment
Mission briefing
He's hidden another one of those blasted dolls at another location. But it's not just anywhere, oh no, he's hidden it this time. It's in the middle of an asteroid field. You'll have to mine through those rocks until you find it.

Yes, I'm serious. So go! Fetch the dolls! The more the merrier!

"Don't you hear them? The dolls? They're all laughing at me."

Single Pocket:


Asteroid 25 x Veldspar 1 unit of Ore each

Removal of all asteroids triggers container spawn and mission completion.

Bring a ship with lots of max targets. LOTS.
Or in a pinch, board a free corvette with two civilian mining lasers will work.
(Board a corvette, unfit a mining laser, trash corvette and board another one to fit two miners.)
1 m3 of mining is about 2 seconds each rock. (End cycles early.)
It only takes a few minutes with great piloting skills. Rats may appear so a weapon might be needed.

Lost That Bet (5 of 5)

ObjectiveBring me the corpse of Enlil Bel.
Best damage to dealKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resistKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Mission briefing
Yes, the show. It's the real reason for all of this, you see. At first I thought he was being vindictive by constantly reminding me of that terrible night, but now I see. He is the only one that understood the significance of that night. He was trying to show me.

It's all been an act, you see? And it wasn't the dolls. They're just an audience. We! We are the performers. And this story, like all good comedies, ends with a death.

Find Enlil Bel. He is the one who began this tale.

End his role. Bring me his meat costume. I want to wear it.


Frigate Frigate Enlil Bel (Mercenary Elite Fighter)

It throws Flameburst [therm] light missiles, but slowly. Two semi-decent weapons will be enough.

Story's End
It's five acts, don't you see? The purity of it! The establishment, the turn, all wonderful. But the end!

...At last there will be a resolution.

Agent after mission hand in:
Enlil Bel? What are you--

You didn't talk to me when I was... Oh god, what did you do?

Oh dear, oh dear. I have to think of what to do now. Uh, here. Here's your payment. You don't know anything about what happened here, right? Neither of us know anything.

It's happening all over again.

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Factions - NPC damage types - NPC naming conventions - Fitting ships

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