Navy Armada (Gallente Federation)

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The Navy Armada
FactionGallente Federation
Best damage to dealKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resistThermal damage ThKinetic damage Kin
EWARWebs, Damps
Ship suggestionHigh DPS ship
Standing loss-0.002 towards Gallente Federation (Might occur more than once, if you need more than 10 minutes for the mission.)
Mission briefing
It appears that the Federation Navy has been gathering en masse inside <system name>. Obviously they have been trying to keep a low profile, as they have split their armada into multiple groups. But nonetheless my superiors are extremely nervous at these tidings. We'd like you to remove their presence from <system name> for good, before they manage to gather enough ships here to launch a massive offensive against one of our strongholds. I'll supply you with the bookmarks that you need to find them. Just remember, do not let them know under any circumstances who you are working for, we do not want to receive a retribution attack should you fail.

Pocket 1

Gate to next pocket is 79 km from arrival point. (3 groups, 60-110 km) 3x Federation battleships
3x Federation battlecruisers
19x Federation cruisers
2x Federation destroyers
2x Elite Federation frigates (web/scram)
8x Federation frigates

Pocket 2

Gate to next pocket is 68 km from arrival point. (3 groups, 35-90 km) 6x Federation battleships
9x Federation battlecruisers
10x Federation cruisers
4x Federation destroyers
15x Federation frigates

Pocket 3

(3 groups, 40-65 km) 6x Federation battleships
5x Federation battlecruisers
1x Elite Federation cruiser
16x Federation cruisers
4x Federation destroyers
2x Elite Federation frigates (web/scram)
4x Federation frigates


Besides normal meta modules, the NPCs also drop Empire Insignia ('tags'):

17 Federation Navy Fleet Captain Insignia I
21 Federation Navy Fleet Colonel Insignia I
 3 Federation Navy Fleet Colonel Insignia II
52 Federation Navy Fleet Major Insignia I
 2 Federation Navy Sergeant Insignia I
 8 Federation Navy Sergeant Insignia II
 2 Federation Navy Sergeant Insignia III

Current Jita sell value is 95 million isk and buy value 80 million isk.

Mission reports - COSMOS - Epic arcs - Faction warfare missions
Blitzing - Loyalty Points
General PvE info
Factions - NPC damage types - NPC naming conventions - Fitting ships

Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 13 сентября 2021 в 13:20.