New Slaves

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name=New Slaves, level 1

New Slaves - Indoctrination (1 of 5)

Mission type: Courier

Transport 100m3 of Slaves (20 units)

Avoid this mission chain from this point forward if you value your Minmatar Republic faction standings.

New Slaves - Insurgency (2 of 5)

Faction: Minmitar
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: No gates
Damage dealt: Kin/Exp
Reccomended damage dealing: Kin/therm
Completed with Arbitrator (Kathryn Dougans) Completed in Firetail (Thoran Karlien)

Single Pocket


1x Amarr Destroyer (Zira Cobalus)
3x Minmatar Frigate
1x Stolen Personnel Transport.

-0.24 standing with Minmatar Republic for destroying Minmatar Republic's Minmatar Amarr Personnel Transport.

New Slaves - A New Rebellion (3 of 5)

Mission type: Courier

Transport Data Chip

New Slaves - Double Trouble (4 of 5)

Faction: Minmitar
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Gates
Damage Dealt: Kin/Exp
Reccomended damage dealing: Kin/therm
Completed with Arbitrator (Kathryn Dougans) Completed in Firetail (Thoran Karlien)

Pocket 1

Group 1:

1x Minmatar Sentry Gun
8x Minmatar Frigate

Group 2:

3x Minmatar Frigate

Group 3:

1x Minmatar Cruiser

-0.24 standing with Minmatar Republic for destroying Minmatar Republic's Minmatar Point Defense Battery.

Pocket 2

Gate can only accept Frigate, Cruiser and Destroyer. Captain Kalis in group 1 will call for reinforcements immediately.

Group 1:

1x Republic Destroyer (Captain Kalis)

Group 2:

7x Frigate
1x Cruiser --**TRIGGER**?

Group 3:

1x Cruiser --**TRIGGER**

Group 4:

1x Cruiser

New Slaves - To Catch a Spy (5 of 5)

Faction: Minmitar
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Gates
Damage Dealt: Kin/Exp
Reccomended damage dealing: Kin/therm
Completed with Arbitrator (Kathryn Dougans) Completed in Firetail DR: Very Hard (Thoran Karlien)



8x Republic Frigate

Pocket 1

Gate only handles Frigate, Cruiser, Destroyer and Interceptor 1x Destroyer (Garmasi Jowai) warps out.
9x Minmitar Frigate, 1x Minmatar Cruiser in 3 groups.
Some aggro on arrival, others aggroed after engaging one of the Frigates.

Pocket 2

Most aggro on arrival.


15x Republic frigates
2x Republic cruisers
1x Destroyer (Garmasi Jowai)

-0.001 standing with Minmatar Republic for destroying Minmatar Republic's Republic Ormur.

Mission reports - COSMOS - Epic arcs - Faction warfare missions
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Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 13 сентября 2021 в 13:20.