
Shipyard Theft (Guristas Pirates)

Mission Reports

Security Reports
Distribution Reports
Mining Reports

Mission Guides

Security Guide
Distribution Guide
Mining Guide

Special Missions

Epic Arcs
Data Center
Faction Warfare

Helpful Links

NPC standings
NPC damage types
NPC naming conventions
Loyalty Points
Gaining faction standings fast
The Ploy
Mission ships
Career Agents

Best damage to dealKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resistKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Warp disruptionElite frigates (Guristas Kyoukan/Webifier)
EWARECM Jammer (Battleships - Pith Eliminator/Exterminator)
Ship suggestionBattleship, Command Ship, HAC. (vs ECM - prefer drone based or fit ECCM)

Space type: Deadspace

Video: Sentry Dominix

Pocket 1

  • You may get auto aggroed by Group A upon warp-in, but in some other circumstances, there will be no aggro as you warp-in.
  • Attacking Group A will aggro Group B.
  • Groups C and D can be aggroed individually.
  • Attacking Group E will aggro the entire pocket.
  • Drones can be deployed normally and do not cause pocket aggro.

Tactical view of Pocket 1
Forces on grid (see Tactical view of Pocket 1)
Group A (20-25km)(Auto-aggro)
Battlecruiser 4 x Battlecruiser Pithatis Enforcer/Executor
Battleship 0-1 x Battleship Pith Destroyer/Massacrer
Battleship 0-1 x Battleship Pith Exterminator Target Jammer
Group B (20-25km)
Elite Frigate 4 x Elite Frigate Guristas Webifier/Kyoukan Warp Scrambler Stasis Webifier
Battlecruiser 3 x Battlecruiser Pithatis Assassin/Assaulter
Battleship 1 x Battleship Pith Usurper/Massacrer
Group C (27-37km)
Battlecruiser 10 x Battlecruiser Pithatis Enforcer/Executor/Assaulter
Group D At gate (37-45km)
Destroyer 4 x Destroyer Pithior Guerilla/Renegade
Battlecruiser 6 x Battlecruiser Pithatis Enforcer/Assaulter/Executor
Battleship 2 x Battleship Pith Destroyer
Group E (57-63km)
Battleship 4 x Battleship Pith Eradicator/Obliterator


  • If Group A does not auto aggro at warp-in, eliminate Group B first and then Group A.
  • Recommended order of elimination: Group B, Group A, Group C, Group D and finally Group E.

Pocket 2

Auto aggro from all upon warp-in.

Single group (24-32km)

Destroyer 2 x Destroyer Pithior Guerilla
Cruiser 5 x Cruiser Pithium Eraser/Abolisher
Battleship 0-3 x Battleship Pith Extinquisher
Battleship 0-3 x Battleship Pith Eliminator Target Jammer
Last ship destroyed drops
Container ? x Container Do not forget to loot Mission objective


  • Storage Silo drops Caldari CU-1/AZ-1/BY-1 Nexus Chip and some trade goods. All other structures drop no loot.
  • Last ship killed will drop the storage containers needed to complete the mission. Make sure you loot it.

Mission reports - COSMOS - Epic arcs - Faction warfare missions
Blitzing - Loyalty Points
General PvE info
Factions - NPC damage types - NPC naming conventions - Fitting ships

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