Striking Down Two Flies With One Swing (Serpentis & Mercenaries) (Level 1)

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name=Striking Down Two Flies With One Swing, Level 1

Faction: Serpentis / Mercenary
Mission Type: Encounter
Space Type: Normal
Damage dealt: Kinetic / Thermal
Extras: None
Web/scramble: None
Recommended damage: Kinetic / Thermal

Single Pocket

Warp in, you will see the repair station and three auxillary power arrays. Once you shoot the Repair Station, the following will appear:

6x Frigates (Corelli Scout/Initiate)
4x Point Defense Batteries

Warp in, you will see the repair station and three auxillary power arrays. Once you shoot the Repair Station, the following will appear:

Once the station is destroyed, you get:

5x Frigates (Merc Rookies/Fighters)

Destroying the Repair Station is the only requirement.

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Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 13 сентября 2021 в 13:24.