The Breakout

Файл:Logo faction caldari state.png
Chapter 1: Proof of Intent

1 The Intermediary
2 Trust And Discretion
3 Their Loss, Our Profit
4 The Paths That Are Hidden
5.1a[1] An Honorable Betrayal
5.2a[1] Proof of Intent
5.3a[1] Return to Isha
5.4a[1] Re-examining Options
5b Two Steps Into Hell
5c Playing It Safer
6a[1] Almost Unmasked
7.1a[1] Some Light Theatrics
7.2a[1] Untouchable
6[2] Too Close for Comfort
7b[2] The Crimson Decoy
7c[2] Pre-Emptive Opportunities
8 A General's Best Friend

Chapter 2: Blackness Rising

9 Meet Sinas
10 Right Tool for the Job
11 The Breakout
12 Whisper of a Conspiracy
13 Practical Solutions
14 Forewarning

Chapter 3: The Bottom Line

15a[1] The Knowledge to Act
16a[1] Slipping Away
17a[1] Across the Line
15b[2] A Difference of Opinion
16b[2] Learning by Doing
17b[2] The Price of Silence
16c Home In Peace

ObjectiveRetrieve 1x Caldari Prisoners Of War (0.5m3)
FactionGallente Federation
Best damage to dealKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resistKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
EWARSensor Dampening
Rewards20,000,000 + 1,570,000 (Bonus if completed in 6H)
ExtraRequires probing and data analyzer and 1x FedNav F.O.F. Identifier Tag AC-106V:FNSBR (Gained from Agent). Mission item can be bought instead.
Mission briefing
t's time for you to put that ID tag to use and see firsthand what it is we're fighting against down here.

Though you've no doubt heard of the fearless and capable pilots in the Caldari Militia, I wouldn't make the mistake of thinking that the situation in Black Rise is a stable one. The region is a war-zone, and will probably remain that way for some time. Even though they're capsuleers like you, our militia cannot be everywhere at once, and it is in their absence that the Federation often makes progress.

We've been receiving reports of a new prison facility being erected somewhere in the Aokinen constellation. Your mission is to discover its location, bypass the security forces and slip inside. Once you've made your way inside, there will be people of ours to free. My suspicion though, is that you will not find any Ishukone crew to rescue. I suppose we'll see what happens.

If you've never done any exploratory scanning before, then now would be a good time to learn. The Federation is skilled at hiding their secrets, but I have a feeling that a facility this size will be found easily enough. If you are struggling to locate it, don't lose hope - that's exactly what the enemy wants us to do.

You will need a Data Analyzer to complete this mission.

What do you say, <Character>?

Two Bloodlines, one Race: the Raata spirit in the Deteis and Civire soul
“Look at each other,” Cold Wind told them. “How do you tell one man from the other? How do you know which man to kill?”

The men struggled to stand up and looked at their armors; the symbols of their Houses were torn and broken, not visible anymore.

“No two men on this field have the same face, but can you tell them apart now?”

The men gazed at each other trying to distinguish brothers from enemies, yet the blood covering their faces made all of them alike.

Mission site (Federation Detention Facility) is a Cosmic Signature (Combat Site) which must be probed to 100% first before warping to it. The site will spawn in each system within the Constellation when mission is accepted and will respawn if someone else completes it. You need a data analyzer to retrieve the prisoner.

Blitz: Buy the 1x Caldari Prisoners Of War (0.5m3) on Contracts or market and complete the mission. No need to search/probe, hack, or fight anything.

The next mission will be low sec hauling mission so you should turn this mission in in an instawarp frigate.

The mission site consists of two deadspace pockets.

First Pocket

1x Newly Constructed Acceleration Gate (95km)

No NPC's most of the time but sometimes it ends up with:

Group 1

Frigate 6 x Frigate Federation Praktor Phalarica/...
Elite Frigate 3 x Elite Frigate Elite Federation Lochos/...
Destroyer 2 x Destroyer Federation Arcus/...
Group 2
Elite Frigate 6 x Elite Frigate Elite Federation Phalarica/...
Elite Cruiser 3 x Elite Cruiser Elite Federation Arx Remote Sensor Dampener
Group 3
Battleship 7 x Battleship Federation Praktor Magister/... Remote Sensor Dampener

In the case of these spawns, a cloaky is best used to just fly past them to the gate. The 1x FedNav F.O.F. Identifier Tag AC-106V:FNSBR may not prevent them from attacking.


The Gallente Warden Frigates may not attack if the 1x FedNav F.O.F. Identifier Tag AC-106V:FNSBR (Gained from Agent) is in your cargohold (There is a bug where they may still shoot you but they hit for 1 damage). After successfully hacking a Detention Facility to save a prisoner, a short self-destruct timer will start. You may be able to hack another one before the Detention Facility self-destructs but only 1x Caldari Prisoners Of War is needed to complete the mission.

The Detention Facility structures will have a white container to Hack. If no Detention Facility structures are present or you see 8x blue containers, then that site has been completed by another player. Instead of waiting for respawn, just look for the site in another system.

Group 1

Frigate 8 x Frigate Gallente Warden Frigate
Elite Frigate 3 x Elite Frigate Elite Federation Lochos/...
Destroyer 2 x Destroyer Federation Arcus/...


Structures on site

Structure 8 x Federation Dention Facility each contains 1x Caldari Prisoner Of War (Mission Objective)

Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 13 сентября 2021 в 13:24.