The Fortress (Minmatar Republic)

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name=The Fortress, Level 5

TypeEncounter (Normal)
Best damage to dealExplosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Damage to resistExp/Kin/Therm
ExtraScramble, Web, Neut

Recommended Damage: Exp/Kin
Completed In: Onyx+Raven, Domi + Guardian (first spawn) CNR + Basilisk (second spawn)
Difficulty: Hard
Blitz: mission is complete once cap ship array is dead (good luck tanking!)
When you enter, you will get full aggro and be neuted. Taking out the cruise batteries first gets rid of annoying thermal damage. The Republic Fighters are not to be underestimated. They tend to have their shots synchronized, so a group of 10 will do 7000+ alpha unresisted.

Single Pocket

Initial Spawn:
8x Minmatar Energy Neutralizer Sentry III
4x Minmatar Sentry Gun III
8x Elite Frigates (3x chief republic ivan, 5x chief republic magni) (web/scram)
6x BC (4x republic tribal norn, 2x republic tribal nutia)
6x BS (4x republic tribal jotun, 2x republic tribal sigur)
Spawn 1:
Triggered when the ship maint array gets into armor (or very low shields) 10x Republic Fighter (frigate icon but they hit like fighters)
Spawn 2:
Triggered when the ship maint array gets into low armor 4x Elite Frigates (3x chief republic ivan, 1x chief republic magni) (web/scram)
6x Cruisers (6x chief republic pafi)
8x BS (8x republic tribal ymir)
4x Tower Sentry Minmatar III
Spawn 3:
Triggered when the ship maint array gets below half hull 10x Republic Fighter
Capital Ship Maintenance Array: trade goods
Wrecks: Tags
Source images from original stub article:

Mission reports - COSMOS - Epic arcs - Faction warfare missions
Blitzing - Loyalty Points
General PvE info
Factions - NPC damage types - NPC naming conventions - Fitting ships

Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 13 сентября 2021 в 13:24.