The Serpentis Spies (Level 4)

Mission Reports

Security Reports
Distribution Reports
Mining Reports

Mission Guides

Security Guide
Distribution Guide
Mining Guide

Special Missions

Epic Arcs
Data Center
Faction Warfare

Helpful Links

NPC standings
NPC damage types
NPC naming conventions
Loyalty Points
Gaining faction standings fast
The Ploy
Mission ships
Career Agents

Serpentis Spies
Best damage to dealKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resistThermal damage ThKinetic damage Kin
Ship suggestionIshtar, Deimos, Raven, Dominix, Abaddon
Mission briefing
Agents working for the Serpentis recently managed to infiltrate one of our outposts in a nearby system. We have reliable information that they did manage to find classified information about our various operations in the area. Fortunately one of the officers at the outpost managed to slip a tracking device into one of their ships before they escaped. We know they are located in Harner at this very moment. I would like you to fly over there and ambush them immediately. Return to me once their ships have been turned to dust. But be careful, they are armed and dangerous.

Video: [Dominix], [Nightmare], [Gila, 30-01-2021]

No Hostiles at initial gate.

===Single Pocket:===
Auto aggro from Sentry Towers, attack draws aggro from Hostiles.

Tower Sentry (52- 82km):
Sentry 2 x Sentry Tower Sentry Serpentis III
Sentry 2 x Sentry Tower Sentry Serpentis II
Sentry 3 x Sentry Tower Sentry Serpentis I
Single Group (135- 140km):
Frigate 4 x Frigate Mordus Gladius
Elite Frigate 2 x Elite Frigate Bounty Hunter
Cruiser 5 x Cruiser Mordus Puma/Lion
Group 3 (75-90 km, Minmatar Trade Station Ruins)
Destroyer 4 x Destroyer Corelior Soldiers/ Infantry
Battlecruiser 3 x Battlecruiser Serpentis Spies
Battleship 1 x Battleship Core Port Admiral

Take out all the ships. You don't have to take out the towers.

Damage from Sentries is minimal, take them out to draw aggro from the ships so they'll close in. Either fit an AB, MWD or MJD to go after them or bring Warden II to snipe.

No loot.

Loot and Bounty:
Loot + Salvage: [1.0 mil]
Bounty: 1.3 mil

Mission reports - COSMOS - Epic arcs - Faction warfare missions
Blitzing - Loyalty Points
General PvE info
Factions - NPC damage types - NPC naming conventions - Fitting ships

Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 13 сентября 2021 в 13:25.