Threat Assessment

Файл:Logo faction guristas pirates.png
Smash and Grab
Chapter 1: Probation

1a Enemy of my Enemy
1b Turning Coat
1c Recruitment Drive
2 Intelligence Mining
3 Planning the Operation
4a Sabotage 101
4b Brassy Faced Bastard
5 Upward Momentum

Chapter 2: For Fun and Profit

6 Miscommunication
7 Fuel Gauge
8 Knockout Punch
9 Culling the Weak

Chapter 3a: Internal Security

10 Threat Assessment
11 Dread Pirates
12 Rabbit Hole
13 Passing the Buck

Chapter 3b: Internal Security

10 Smoke and Mirrors
11 Foxfire
12 Spy Games

ObjectiveReport to Irichi Tsunikabda in PF-QHK VII - Moon 6 - Guristas Logistic Support
Rewards8,000,000 + time bonus

Mission is completed when you start conversation with the agent after docking in his station.

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