Unauthorized Military Presence (Gallente Federation) (Level 4)

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name=Unauthorized Military Presence, level 4

Faction: Gallente Federation
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace
Damage dealt: Kinetic/Thermal
Recommended damage dealing: Kinetic
Video: [Nightmare] , [Paladin]

Warp-In Pocket

No automatic aggro. Drones might cause aggro.

2x Destroyer (Federation Arcus)
3x Cruiser (Federation Praktor Ouragos / Optioon)
2x Battlecruiser (Federation Pezos / Praeco)

Pocket 1

No automatic aggro. Drones might cause aggro.

Group 1 (80km):

2x Frigate (Federation Praktor Harpago / Belos)
3x Cruiser (Federation Praktor Ouragos / Optioon)
3x Battlecruiser (Federation Pezos / Praeco)

Group 2 (80km):

1x Frigate (Federation Libertus)
2x Elite Frigate (Elite Federation Phalarica)
8x Cruiser (Federation Misthios / Hastatus / Praktor Optioon / Praktor Ouragos)
4x Battleship (Federation Triariys / Xenan)

Group 3 (100km):

1x Industrial (Gallente Personnel Transport)
3x Frigate (Federation Praktor Belos / Praktor Harpago)
1x Destroyer (Federation Pelekus)
6x Cruiser (Federation Nauclarius / Praktor Legionarius / Praktor Centurion / Praktor Hippeus)
1x Battlecruiser (Federation Arcus)
2x Battleship (Federation Vocinus)

BLITZ: only kill group 3, militants comes from transport ship once everything in the group is killed.

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Factions - NPC damage types - NPC naming conventions - Fitting ships

Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 13 сентября 2021 в 13:27.