Uproot (2 of 5)

Gallente COSMOS mission
Agent: Ystvia Lamuette
Agent location: Ebony Tower (Barmalie)
Standings required: 1.00 Gallente Federation
Parts: (Prologue), (1 of 5), (2 of 5), (3 of 5), (4 of 5), (5 of 5)

ObjectiveDestroy the Serpentis Outpost and neutralize any resistance in the area.
Best damage to dealKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resistThermal damage ThKinetic damage Kin
Ship size limitBattleship
Ship suggestionCruiser
Rewards75,000 + time bonus
Mission briefing
Nice work on the spider spruce.

So here's the situation, then. There's a guy named Alarus Ekire. He's the most militant person within our ranks - a real piece of work. Most of us have disagreed with his methods in the past, but he has an authoritative air about him which rouses admiration in the weak. For this reason he's never short of followers, and has managed to maintain his position within FON.

It has now been brought to our attention, due in no small part to your diligent work, that Ekire is the weed in our garden, the one that's been causing all this trouble in the past few weeks. We have to get rid of him, but we can't kill him. If the Wiyrkomi spin doctors have the opportunity to make him into a figurehead, we're finished. So we need to try and smoke him out, lure him into revealing himself.

We need to lay the groundwork first, though, and try to undo some of the damage he's caused. First off, we need to send the clear-cut message that FON do not wish to cast their lot with known cutthroats and murderers. To this end, we need to put our own propaganda machine to work.

There is a Serpentis outpost in one of the outlying systems. According to our intel, no detachments are stationed there at present. I want you to head out there, destroy the outpost, neutralize any opposition you may find, and report back to me. One of our other operatives will shadow you to the area and record the attack, so we can spin this to our advantage and hopefully countermand any bad publicity.

Go to it. Good luck.

The agent sends you to destroy an Serpentis outpost.

First room

Destroy the spider drone, blow up the outpost and return to agent. Destroying sentries is not needed but you can blow them up to reduce incoming damage.


Drone 1 x Drone Spider Drone I Stasis Webifier
Sentry 2 x Sentry Serpentis Sentry Gun
Sentry 2 x Sentry Serpentis Heavy Missile Battery


Structure 1 x Serpentis Outpost Renamed Serpentis Bunker Mission object

Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 13 сентября 2021 в 13:27.