Квест на профессию Crusader/Крестоносец: различия между версиями

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Текущая версия от 17:02, 14 сентября 2021

Базовый уровень: None
Job Уровень: 40
Класс: Swordman
Требуются вещи (забираются):: Varies (see table in step 2)

523.png 1 Holy Water

Требуются вещи (НЕ забираются): 2608.png 1 Rosary [0]
Вещи(s): 504.png 6 White Potion (Job LvL 40-49)

504.png 12 White Potion (Job LvL 50)

Квестовая награда: Jobchange to Crusader

Note: click the coordinates to copy them, and paste them into the game chat to be directed to the location.

1. Journey to the Prontera Castle , then proceed north through two portals, and then one west.
2. Talk to the Senior Crusader to begin the quest. The first task is to gather a number of items. The player is required to collect one of three sets:
Note: This part can be skipped by bringing the following items
when first speaking with the Senior Crusader.
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
1041.png 10 Lantern
958.png 10 Horrendous Mouth
930.png 10 Rotten Bandage
1062.png 10 Jack 'o Pumpkin
957.png 10 Decayed Nail
959.png 10 Stinky Scale
1099.png 10 Worn-out Prison Uniform
901.png 10 Daenggie
932.png 10 Skel-Bone
1043.png 10 Orc Claw
1098.png 10 Manacles
1094.png 10 Short Daenggie

3. After turning in the items, speak with Murnak Mijoul (Man in Anguish) . He is in the prison of the Prontera Castle, which from the Senior Crusader room, is one portal east, two portals south, and then down the stairway on the east side.
Note: You need to be wearing a Rosary when you talk to this NPC. You can buy them from the Prontera Church .

4. He will tell the player to run a gauntlet of monsters, which include Mandragora, Flora, Greatest General and Familiar without attacking any of them. Having Endure is helpful.

5. Murnak Mijoul (Man in Anguish) will speak of Gabriel Valentine (Crusader) , located in the Prontera Church, for a knowledge test next. She is in the northwest corner of the church's main room.


6. Gabriel Valentine (Crusader) will challenge the player with one out of three questions sets - 8 out of 10 of which must be correct to pass this portion of the quest.

Question Set 1 Answer Set 1
What level of Divine Protection do you need to learn Demon Bane? Level 3
If your INT is 30, including INT bonuses from equipment, at level 55, how much HP does Level 5 Heal recover? 440
With Level 7 Divine Protection, by how much is your defense against the Undead increased? 21
Which of the following spears can attack Nightmare, which is endowed with the Ghost attribute? Zephyrus
What level of 'Heal' do you need to learn 'Cure?' Level 2
What is the attack speed when Level 3 Cavalier Mastery is learned? 80% of normal speed
Which of the following is not a correct description of the Demon Bane skill? Only Acolytes can learn the skill.
How much SP does Level 7 Heal use? 31
What status cannot be cured with the Cure skill? Curse
What best describes a Crusader? One who is preparing for the Holy War.
Question Set 2 Answer Set 2
Which of the following monsters is a different attribute than the others? Isis
Which sword is effective in attacking Demon monsters? Decussate Tsurugi
Which item is NOT dropped by Dokebi? Golden Hammer
Which Demon monster has the most HP? Marionette
Which Demon monster is a different size than the others? Ghostring
Which shield reduces damage inflicted by Demon monsters? Shield From Hell
Which attribute is the most effective on the Wind Ghost? Earth
Which monster is different from the other Demon monsters? Whisper
What effect does the Marionette Card have? Increase defense against Ghost attacks by 30%
Which of the following is an effective way to react when encountering a demon monster? Put Holy Water on a weapon and attack.
Question Set 3 Answer Set 3
Which attribute is the most effective in attacking the Undead? Holy
If the monster is a Level 2 Undead, how much more damage does a Holy attack do compared to Fire? 50%
What item can you not get from an Evil Druid? Monk Hat
Which Undead monster has the highest HP? Zombie Prisoner
Which of the following monsters is a different size than the others? Drake
Which card grants you tolerance to Undead property attacks? Orc Zombie Card
What was the relationship between Munak and Bongun before they passed away? Childhood friends in the same village
Which of the following monsters is not aggressive? Skeleton
What is the name of the shield in which a Munak Card has been inserted? Amulet Shield
Which of the following monsters does not drop Memento? Munak

7. After passing the quiz you'll be send to Bliant Piyord (Patron Knight) who can be found in the same room as the Senior Crusader. He will ask for a Holy Water, which can be obtained from Priest and Acolyte characters through the Aqua Benedicta skill.

8. The player must then fight through multiple waves of monsters in 4 minutes. The waves are:

Wave Monsters
Wave 1 6 Zombie
Wave 2 3 Soldier Skeleton
Wave 3 1 Mummy and 1 Archer Skeleton
Wave 4 Ghoul Version of the Player
Note: After the 3rd wave the quest is completed even if you didn't kill/got killed by your Ghoul version.

9. Return to the Senior Crusader who will change your job to Crusader! If you are Job Level 50, you will receive 12 White Potion. If you are Job Level 40-49, you will receive 6 White Potion.

Crusader & Paladin
2nd Class
Cavalier Mastery · Cure · Defending Aura · Demon Bane · Divine Protection · Faith · Grand Cross · Guard · Heal · Holy Cross · Peco Peco Ride · Resistant Souls · Sacrifice · Shield Boomerang · Shrink · Smite · Spear Mastery · Spear Quicken
Battle Chant · Gloria Domini · Martyr's Reckoning · Rapid Smiting
Quests Crusader Job Change Guide · Crusader Skill Quest · Rebirth Walkthrough
Weapons One Handed Sword · Spear · Two Handed Sword

Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 14 сентября 2021 в 17:02.