Шаблон:Quest Info: различия между версиями

Added restriction
Строка 1: Строка 1:
<includeonly><table width="100%"><tr><td>
{{#if: {{{cat|}}} | |  
{{#if: {{{cat|}}} | |  
{{#if: {{{window|}}} | [[Category:Quest Window Quests]] }}
{{#if: {{{window|}}} | [[Category:Quest Window Quests]] }}
Строка 5: Строка 5:
{{#if: {{{baseexpreward|}}} | [[Category:Base Experience Reward]] }}
{{#if: {{{baseexpreward|}}} | [[Category:Base Experience Reward]] }}
{{#if: {{{classreq|}}} | [[Category:{{{classreq}}}]] }}
{{#if: {{{classreq|}}} | [[Category:{{{classreq}}}]] }}
{{#if: {{{classreq2|}}} | [[Category:{{{classreq2}}}]] }}
{{#iferror:{{#expr:{{{levelreq}}} > 0}} |
[[Category: Level 1~99 Quests]]
{{#ifexpr: {{{levelreq}}} > 89 | [[Category: Level 90~99 Quests]] |
{{#ifexpr: {{{levelreq}}} > 79 | [[Category: Level 80~99 Quests]] |
{{#ifexpr: {{{levelreq}}} > 69 | [[Category: Level 70~99 Quests]] |  
{{#ifexpr: {{{levelreq}}} > 59 | [[Category: Level 60~99 Quests]] |
{{#ifexpr: {{{levelreq}}} > 49 | [[Category: Level 50~99 Quests]] |
{{#ifexpr: {{{levelreq}}} > 39 | [[Category: Level 40~99 Quests]] |
{{#ifexpr: {{{levelreq}}} > 29 | [[Category: Level 30~99 Quests]] |
{{#ifexpr: {{{levelreq}}} > 19 | [[Category: Level 20~99 Quests]] |
{{#ifexpr: {{{levelreq}}} > 9 | [[Category: Level 10~99 Quests]] |
{{#ifexpr: {{{levelreq}}} > 0 | [[Category: Level 1~99 Quests]] | }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
{| class="infobox" style="width:30em;"
{| style="border: 1px solid #aaaaaa; background-color: #f9f9f9; color: black; margin-bottom: 0.5em; margin-left: 1em; padding: 0.2em; float: right; clear: left; text-align: left; font-size: 100%; border-spacing: 2; width: 30em; vertical-align: top;"  
! colspan=2 style="background:#{{#if: {{{window|}}} | DAA520 | CCCCCC}}; font-size:130%;" | {{PAGENAME}}
| align="center" colspan="2" style={{#if: {{{window|}}} | "background:#DAA520" | "background:#cccccc"}} | '''Requirements'''
! colspan=2 style="background:#{{#if: {{{window|}}} | DAA520 | CCCCCC}};" | Requirements
| '''Base Level:'''  
|style="text-align: center; width: 60%"| {{{levelreq}}}
| '''{{Colorlink|black|Levels#Base Level|Base Level}}:''' || style="width:150pt;" | {{{levelreq}}}
{{#if: {{{joblevelreq|}}} |
{{#if: {{{joblevelreq|}}} |
{{!}} '''{{Colorlink|black|Levels#Job Level|Job Level}}:''' {{!}}{{!}} {{{joblevelreq}}}
{{!}} '''Job Level:'''  
{{!}}- }}
{{!}}align="center"{{!}} {{{joblevelreq}}}
{{!}}- }}
{{#if: {{{classreq|}}} |
{{#if: {{{classreq|}}} |
{{!}} '''{{Colorlink|black|Classes|Job Class}}:''' {{!}}{{!}} [[{{{classreq}}}]] {{#if: {{{classreq2|}}} | or [[{{{classreq2}}}]] }}
{{!}} '''Class:'''  
{{!}}- }}
{{!}}align="center"{{!}} [[{{{classreq}}}]]
{{!}}- }}
{{#if: {{{skillreq|}}} |
{{#if: {{{skillreq|}}} |
{{!}} '''Skill Requirements:''' {{!}}{{!}} {{{skillreq}}}
{{!}} '''Skill Requirements:'''  
{{!}}- }}
{{!}}align="center"{{!}} {{{skillreq}}}
{{!}}- }}
{{#if: {{{partyreq|}}} |
{{#if: {{{partyreq|}}} |
{{!}} '''{{Colorlink|black|Party|Party}}:''' {{!}}{{!}} {{{partyreq}}}
{{!}} '''[[Party]]:'''  
{{!}}- }}
{{!}}align="center"{{!}} {{{partyreq}}}
{{!}}- }}
{{#if: {{{itemreq|}}} |
{{#if: {{{itemreq|}}} |
{{!}} '''{{Colorlink|black|Items|Item}}(s) (Consumed):''' {{!}}{{!}} {{{itemreq}}}
{{!}} '''Item(s) (Consumed):'''  
{{!}}- }}
{{!}}align="center"{{!}} {{{itemreq}}}
{{!}}- }}
{{#if: {{{nitemreq|}}} |
{{#if: {{{nitemreq|}}} |
{{!}} '''{{Colorlink|black|Items|Item}}(s) (Not Consumed):''' {{!}}{{!}} {{{nitemreq}}}
{{!}} '''Item(s) (Not Consumed):'''  
{{!}}- }}
{{!}}align="center"{{!}} {{{nitemreq}}}
{{!}}- }}
{{#if: {{{zenyreq|}}} |
{{#if: {{{zenyreq|}}} |
{{!}} '''{{Colorlink|black|Zeny|Zeny}}:''' {{!}}{{!}} {{{zenyreq}}}
{{!}} '''Zeny:'''
{{!}}- }}
{{!}}align="center"{{!}} {{{zenyreq}}}
{{!}}-  }}
{{#if: {{{cooldown|}}} |
{{!}} '''Cooldown:'''
{{!}}align="center"{{!}} {{{cooldown}}}
{{!}}-  }}
{{#if: {{{restriction|}}} |
{{!}} '''Restrictions:'''  
{{!}}align="center"{{!}} {{{restriction}}}
{{!}}- }}
{{#if: {{{hunting|}}} |
{{#if: {{{hunting|}}} |
{{!}} '''Hunting:''' {{!}}{{!}} {{{hunting}}}
{{!}} '''Hunting:'''  
{{!}}- }}
{{!}}align="center"{{!}} {{{hunting}}}
{{!}}- }}
{{#if: {{{questsreq|}}} |
{{#if: {{{questsreq|}}} |
{{!}} '''Quest Prerequisite(s):''' {{!}}{{!}} {{{questsreq}}}
{{!}} '''Quest Prerequisite(s):'''  
{{!}}- }}
{{!}}align="center"{{!}} {{{questsreq}}}
{{!}}- }}
{{#if: {{{questscoreq|}}} |
{{#if: {{{questscoreq|}}} |
{{!}} '''Quest Corequisite(s):''' {{!}}{{!}} {{{questscoreq}}}
{{!}} '''Quest Corequisite(s):'''  
{{!}}- }}
{{!}}align="center"{{!}} {{{questscoreq}}}
! colspan=2 style="background:#{{#if: {{{window|}}} | DAA520 | CCCCCC}};" | Rewards
{{!}}- }}
| align="center" colspan="2" style={{#if: {{{window|}}} | "background:#DAA520" | "background:#cccccc"}} | '''Rewards'''
{{#if: {{{baseexpreward|}}} |
{{#if: {{{baseexpreward|}}} |
{{!}} '''{{Colorlink|black|Base EXP Chart|Base Experience}}:''' {{!}}{{!}} {{{baseexpreward}}}
{{!}} '''Base Experience:'''  
{{!}}- }}
{{!}}align="center"{{!}} {{{baseexpreward}}}
{{!}}- }}
{{#if: {{{jobexpreward|}}} |
{{#if: {{{jobexpreward|}}} |
{{!}} '''{{Colorlink|black|Job EXP Chart|Job Experience}}:''' {{!}}{{!}} {{{jobexpreward}}}
{{!}} '''Job Experience:'''  
{{!}}- }}
{{!}}align="center"{{!}} {{{jobexpreward}}}
{{!}}- }}
{{#if: {{{itemreward|}}} |
{{#if: {{{itemreward|}}} |
{{!}} '''{{Colorlink|black|Items|Item}}(s):''' {{!}}{{!}} {{{itemreward}}}  
{{!}} '''Item(s):'''  
{{!}}- }}
{{!}}align="center" wrap{{!}} {{{itemreward}}}  
{{!}}- }}
{{#if: {{{qreward|}}} |
{{#if: {{{qreward|}}} |
{{!}} '''Quest Reward(s):''' {{!}}{{!}} {{{qreward}}}  
{{!}} '''Quest Reward(s):'''  
{{!}}- }}
{{!}}align="center"{{!}} {{{qreward}}}  
{{!}}- }}
{{#if: {{{external|}}} |
{{#if: {{{external|}}} |
{{!}} colspan=2 style="text-align:center;"{{!}} '''''[{{{external}}} Event Notice]'''''
{{!}}align="center" colspan="2"{{!}} '''''[{{{external}}} Event Notice]'''''
{{!}}- }}
{{!}}- }}
{| class="infobox" style="width:30em;"
{| style="border: 1px solid #aaaaaa; background-color: #f9f9f9; color: black; margin-bottom: 0.5em; margin-left: 1em; padding: 0.2em; float: right; clear: right; text-align: left, top; font-size: 100%; border-spacing: 2; width: 30em;"
| align="center" colspan="2" style="background:#cccccc" | '''Requirements'''
! colspan=2 style="background:#CCCCCC; font-size:130%;" | <nowiki>{{PAGENAME}}</nowiki>
|width="150pt"| '''Base Level:'''
|align="center"| {{{levelreq}}}
! colspan=2 style="background:#CCCCCC;" | Requirements
| '''Job Level:'''
|align="center"| {{{joblevelreq}}}
| '''{{Colorlink|black|Levels#Base Level|Base Level}}:''' || style="width:150pt;" | {{{levelreq}}}
| '''Class:'''  
|align="center"| {{{classreq}}}
| '''{{Colorlink|black|Levels#Job Level|Job Level}}:''' || {{{joblevelreq}}}
| '''Skill Requirements:'''  
|align="center"| {{{skillreq}}}
| '''{{Colorlink|black|Classes|Job Class}}:''' || {{{classreq}}}
| '''[[Party]]:'''  
|align="center"| {{{partyreq}}}
| '''Skill Requirements:''' || {{{skillreq}}}
| '''Item(s) (Consumed):'''  
|align="center"| {{{itemreq}}}
| '''{{Colorlink|black|Party|Party}}:''' || {{{partyreq}}}
| '''Item(s) (Not Consumed):'''  
|align="center"| {{{nitemreq}}}
| '''{{Colorlink|black|Items|Item}}(s) (Consumed):''' || {{{itemreq}}}
| '''Zeny:'''  
|align="center"| {{{zenyreq}}}
| '''{{Colorlink|black|Items|Item}}(s) (Not Consumed):''' || {{{nitemreq}}}
| '''Cooldown:'''  
|align="center"| {{{cooldown}}}
| '''{{Colorlink|black|Zeny|Zeny}}:''' || {{{zenyreq}}}
| '''Restriction:'''  
|align="center"| {{{restriction}}}
| '''Quest Prerequisite(s):''' || {{{questsreq}}}
| '''Quest Prerequisite(s):'''  
|align="center"| {{{questsreq}}}
| '''Quest Corequisite(s):''' || {{{questscoreq}}}
| '''Quest Corequisite(s):'''  
|align="center"| {{{questscoreq}}}
! colspan=2 style="background:#CCCCCC;" | Rewards
| align="center" colspan="2" style="background:#cccccc" | '''Rewards'''
| '''{{Colorlink|black|Base EXP Chart|Base Experience}}:''' || {{{baseexpreward}}}
| '''Base Experience:'''  
|align="center"| {{{baseexpreward}}}
| '''{{Colorlink|black|Job EXP Chart|Job Experience}}:''' || {{{jobexpreward}}}   
| '''Job Experience:'''  
|align="center"| {{{jobexpreward}}}   
| '''{{Colorlink|black|Items|Item}}(s):''' || {{{itemreward}}}  
| '''Item(s):'''  
|align="center"| {{{itemreward}}}  
| '''Quest Reward(s):''' || {{{qreward}}}
| '''Quest Reward(s):'''  
|align="center"| {{{qreward}}}
| colspan=2 style="text-align:center;" | '''''Event Notice Link'''''
|align="center" colspan="2"| '''''Event Notice Link'''''
This template displays an info box for a quest and should be used at the beginning of all quest pages. Any changes should be discussed on the [[Template_talk:{{PAGENAME}}|Talk page]] beforehand.

== Description ==
This template displays a small info box for a quest and should be used at the beginning of all quest pages. Any changes should be discussed on the Talk page beforehand.
== Usage ==
<pre>{{Quest Info
<pre>{{Quest Info
| levelreq =
| joblevelreq =
| classreq =  
| skillreq =
| partyreq =  
| itemreq =
| nitemreq =
| zenyreq =
| cooldown =
| restriction =
| hunting =
| questsreq =
| questscoreq =
| baseexpreward =
| jobexpreward =
| itemreward =  
| qreward =  
| external =
| window =

===Mandatory Fields===
=== Obligatory Fields ===
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Field !! Description
! Field !! Description
! baselevel
| baselevel || Base level that is required before the quest can be completed. Should be stated as None if there is no requirement. This field is required in order to prevent ambiguity.
| [[Levels#Base Level|Base Level]] that is required before the quest can be completed. Should be stated as None if there is no requirement. This field is required in order to prevent ambiguity.

===Optional Fields===
=== Optional Fields ===
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Field !! Description !! Auto-adds Category if used
! Field !! Description !! Auto-adds Category if used
! joblevelreq
| joblevelreq || Job level that is required before the quest can be completed. All or nearly all of these quests are skill quests. || -
| [[Levels#Job Level|Job Level]] that is required before the quest can be completed. All or nearly all of these quests are skill quests.
| -
| classreq || Class that the player must be in order to complete the quest. For example, only [[Knight]]s can complete the [[Knight Skill Quest]]. || Category:<classreq>
| skillreq || Skill that the player must have in order to complete the quest. For example, [[Novice]]s must have learned [[First Aid]] to complete the [[Novice Skill Quest#Play Dead|Play Dead Quest]]. ||
! classreq
| partyreq || # of Party Members and/or Classes required to be in a party. || -
| [[Classes|Class]] that the player must be in order to complete the quest. For example, only [[Knight]]s can complete the [[Knight Skill Quest]].
| Category:<classreq>
! skillreq
| itemreq || Items that the player must possess (and are removed from the player) in order to complete the quest. Please separate multiple items with <nowiki><br /></nowiki> and use [[Template:Item]] to list them. || -
| Skill that the player must have in order to complete the quest. For example, [[Novice]]s must have learned [[First Aid]] to complete the [[Novice Skill Quest#Play Dead Quest|Play Dead Quest]].
| -
! partyreq
| nitemreq || Items that the player must possess (but are not taken) in order to complete the quest. Please separate multiple items with <nowiki><br /></nowiki> and use [[Template:Item]] to list them. || -
| Number of [[Party]] Members and/or [[Classes]] required to be in a party.
| -
! itemreq
| zenyreq || Zeny that the player must possess in order to complete the quest. ||-
| Items that the player must possess (and are removed from the player) in order to complete the quest. Please separate multiple items with <nowiki><br/></nowiki> and use [[Template:Item]] to list them.
| -
! nitemreq
| cooldown|| Time that has to pass until you do the quest again. ||-
| Items that the player must possess (but are not taken) in order to complete the quest. Please separate multiple items with <nowiki><br /></nowiki> and use [[Template:Item]] to list them.
| -
! zenyreq
| restriction || If the quest has any restriction such as time, items, or availability. ||-
| [[Zeny]] that the player must possess in order to complete the quest.
| -
! hunting
| hunting || Monsters that players (or party members) will need to kill during the quest ||-
| [[Monster]]s that players (or party members) will need to kill during the quest
| -
! questreq
| questreq || Quests that the player must have already completed in order to complete the quest. || -
| [[Quests]] that the player must have already completed in order to complete the quest.
| -
! questscoreq
| questscoreq || Quests that the player must do at the same time in order to complete the quest. || -
| [[Quests]] that the player must do at the same time in order to complete the quest.
| -
! baseexpreward
| baseexpreward || The total amount of base experience the player receives performing the quest, regardless of if it is in increments or a lump sum. || [[:Category:Base Experience Reward]]
| The total amount of Base Experience the player will receive from performing the quest, regardless of if it is in increments or a lump sum.
| [[:Category:Base Experience Reward]]
! jobexpreward
| jobexpreward || The total amount of job experience the player receives from performing the quest, regardless of if it is in increments or a lump sum. || [[:Category:Job Experience Reward]]
| The total amount of Job Experience the player will receive from performing the quest, regardless of if it is in increments or a lump sum.
| [[:Category:Job Experience Reward]]
! itemreward
| itemreward || The items the player receives for performing the quest that he or she is able to keep at the end of it. For example. The Sign is a reward for the [[Sign Quest]], but the Sobbing Starlight, which is taken away from the player at the end of the quest, is not. || -
| The items the player will receive for performing the quest that he or she is able to keep at the end of it. For example. {{item|id=2644 The Sign}} is a reward for the [[Sign Quest]], but the {{item|id=7178 Sobbing Starlight}}, which is taken away from the player at the end of the quest, is not.
| -
! qreward
| qreward || Other rewards, which can include access to dungeons, or abilities such as speaking with NPCs. ||-
| Other rewards, which can include access to dungeons, or abilities such as speaking with NPCs.
| -
! external
| external || External link to official event notice if applicable. ||-
| External link to official event notice, if applicable.
| -
! window
| window || set to '''yes''' if this support for this quest is available through the ingame quest window || [[:Category:Quest Window Quests]]
| Set to '''yes''' if this support for this quest is available through the ingame quest window.
| [[:Category:Quest Window Quests]]

[[Category:Templates|Skill Info]]

Версия от 06:38, 21 апреля 2020

Base Level: {{{levelreq}}}
Job Level: {{{joblevelreq}}}
Class: {{{classreq}}}
Skill Requirements: {{{skillreq}}}
Party: {{{partyreq}}}
Item(s) (Consumed): {{{itemreq}}}
Item(s) (Not Consumed): {{{nitemreq}}}
Zeny: {{{zenyreq}}}
Cooldown: {{{cooldown}}}
Restriction: {{{restriction}}}
Quest Prerequisite(s): {{{questsreq}}}
Quest Corequisite(s): {{{questscoreq}}}
Base Experience: {{{baseexpreward}}}
Job Experience: {{{jobexpreward}}}
Item(s): {{{itemreward}}}
Quest Reward(s): {{{qreward}}}
Event Notice Link


This template displays a small info box for a quest and should be used at the beginning of all quest pages. Any changes should be discussed on the Talk page beforehand.


{{Quest Info
| levelreq =
| joblevelreq =
| classreq = 
| skillreq =
| partyreq = 
| itemreq =
| nitemreq =
| zenyreq = 
| cooldown =
| restriction =
| hunting =
| questsreq =
| questscoreq =
| baseexpreward =
| jobexpreward =
| itemreward = 
| qreward = 
| external =
| window =

Obligatory Fields

Field Description
baselevel Base level that is required before the quest can be completed. Should be stated as None if there is no requirement. This field is required in order to prevent ambiguity.

Optional Fields

Field Description Auto-adds Category if used
joblevelreq Job level that is required before the quest can be completed. All or nearly all of these quests are skill quests. -
classreq Class that the player must be in order to complete the quest. For example, only Knights can complete the Knight Skill Quest. Category:<classreq>
skillreq Skill that the player must have in order to complete the quest. For example, Novices must have learned First Aid to complete the Play Dead Quest.
partyreq # of Party Members and/or Classes required to be in a party. -
itemreq Items that the player must possess (and are removed from the player) in order to complete the quest. Please separate multiple items with <br /> and use Template:Item to list them. -
nitemreq Items that the player must possess (but are not taken) in order to complete the quest. Please separate multiple items with <br /> and use Template:Item to list them. -
zenyreq Zeny that the player must possess in order to complete the quest. -
cooldown Time that has to pass until you do the quest again. -
restriction If the quest has any restriction such as time, items, or availability. -
hunting Monsters that players (or party members) will need to kill during the quest -
questreq Quests that the player must have already completed in order to complete the quest. -
questscoreq Quests that the player must do at the same time in order to complete the quest. -
baseexpreward The total amount of base experience the player receives performing the quest, regardless of if it is in increments or a lump sum. Category:Base Experience Reward
jobexpreward The total amount of job experience the player receives from performing the quest, regardless of if it is in increments or a lump sum. Category:Job Experience Reward
itemreward The items the player receives for performing the quest that he or she is able to keep at the end of it. For example. The Sign is a reward for the Sign Quest, but the Sobbing Starlight, which is taken away from the player at the end of the quest, is not. -
qreward Other rewards, which can include access to dungeons, or abilities such as speaking with NPCs. -
external External link to official event notice if applicable. -
window set to yes if this support for this quest is available through the ingame quest window Category:Quest Window Quests

Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 21 апреля 2020 в 06:38.