A Digital Soul: различия между версиями

TurnWiki>Hirmuolio Pine
м 1 версия импортирована
(нет различий)

Текущая версия от 13:08, 13 сентября 2021


ObjectiveHack communications array
FactionAmarr Empire
Best damage to dealElectromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resistElectromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Warp disruptionElite frigates
EWARTracking disruptors
ExtraRequires data hacking. No standing loss
Mission briefing
There is one more required piece before we make our final play. As you have likely guessed we are building a clone, a doppelganger of Lord Miyan that we control. This is an extremely complex creation, as it must be both technologically sophisticated and detection-proof. To make the illusion truly convincing, we need one final thing: a mind scan.

There is one particular mind scan that is perfect for our use. The man is long dead, executed, but the government considered his unique viewpoint still worthy of study. He was killed by the same mind scan process used by you capsuleers. This mind scan is kept on a planet side facility for psychiatric research. It has one vulnerable point, accessible by hacking the system's comm relay.

Find the comm relay at this location. Hack into the relay, and we can pull the mind scan directly to our server.

'Harkan's Plan'
My associate is a man named Terrus Harkan. He was once the head of Lord Miyan's security forces and later an activist for slavery reform. After years of watching the Holders bicker and drag the Empire into pettiness and unrighteousness, he came to us with a fascinating plan. We are going to replace Lord Miyan with himself. Or something close.

Sansha's Nation has a solid lead in mind-body cybernetics. Using the appropriate combination of implants the Sansha can create an effective verisimilitude of a human intelligence, and that can receive directives from the Nation. With this replacement Harkan wishes to turn the Kor-Azor political landscape around and restore the honor Harkan believes it once had.

[Video: Stabber]

Single ungated pocket. Communications array holds no items, it simply must be successfully hacked to complete the mission.


Structure 1 x Communications Array Hack to complete mission
Frigate 4 x Frigate Armed Amarr Repair Ship

Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 13 сентября 2021 в 13:08.