Eradication: различия между версиями

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Текущая версия от 13:18, 13 сентября 2021

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ObjectiveDeliver 18x Crate of Manportable Electromagnetic Pulse Weapons (4500 m3)
Mission briefing
Last night, a strike team of suicide terrorists from the Anti-Corporatist Revolutionary Front, or ARCF, struck at more than twenty Caldari offices and stations throughout the region. During one of these attacks a terrorist was captured with a well-shielded, improvised nuclear device hidden in his rucksack. Obviously this event represents an entirely new level of threat from the ARCF, now that they have proven themselves willing to carry out such a horrendous and indiscriminate mass casualty attack.

The only upside to this is that the terrorist has turned out to be the most notorious operative of the ARCF, a woman known as Commander Rachendia. Having her in custody has offered us an opportunity to gain information related to her group's future plans to strike at the Caldari State. During one of the more aggressive interrogations, she disclosed information about a pending attack against one of our nearby stations. The nature of the attack is not entirely clear; however, we know with certainty that it involves the surreptitious introduction of a viral agent into the life support and air circulation systems.

Our initial searches for these hidden canisters at that station have, so far, been fruitless – with the exception of one small aerosol-type canister. A preliminary test revealed that these viral weapons appear to be based on a self-replicating nanotechnology. Once released from stasis in their container, they seek out and consume human tissue, and leaving behind little more than dust. Our medical scientists have calculated that just one container, released into the central air processing vents, could result in the deaths of all human life aboard a medium-sized station within no more than four hours. The only good news is that these nanos are programmed to self-terminate within 12 hours. Of course, this would be far more time than would be necessary to kill everyone aboard all but the largest of stations.

Your role in this desperate situation is to deliver a cargo of electromagnetic weapons, modified to emit a short-range pulse that will literally "fry" any nanos within its range. So, we are asking: will you deliver these containers to the station immediately? Thousands of lives may depend on your answer.

Mission reports - COSMOS - Epic arcs - Faction warfare missions
Blitzing - Loyalty Points
General PvE info
Factions - NPC damage types - NPC naming conventions - Fitting ships

Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 13 сентября 2021 в 13:18.