Flame of Peace (2 of 4): различия между версиями

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Текущая версия от 13:18, 13 сентября 2021

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Main article: Flame of Peace
ObjectiveBring 1x Encrypted Data Crystals (1.0 m3) to destination
Ship suggestionFast frigate or shuttle
Mission briefing
We cannot crack the encryption on these odd data crystals you discovered, but the contents appear to be some kind of heretical religous text. Of course, there is only one true religion, so this upstart cult must be stamped out wherever they can be found. However, now that you've destroyed that nest, we need to look for more until these vermin are eradicated.

Deliver the data crystals to the Theology Council's chief cryptographer at Eba VIII - Moon 9 - Amarr Certified News Publisher. He has an incredible talent for this sort of thing, and we hope that he can crack the encryption. Perhaps the data inside will offer some clues about this cult's plans and locations.

Next: Flame of Peace (3 of 4)

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Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 13 сентября 2021 в 13:18.