Шаблон:Skill Info: различия между версиями
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Текущая версия от 14:21, 10 августа 2021
Needs proper Skill Icon {{PAGENAME}} | |
Файл:No Image Info.gif | |
Type: | {{{type}}} Skill |
Levels: | {{{levels}}} |
SP Cost: | {{{spcost}}} |
HP Cost: | {{{hpcost}}} |
Cast Time: | {{{time}}} |
Fixed Cast Time: | {{{cast_fix}}} |
Variable Cast Time: | {{{cast_var}}} |
Cast Delay: | {{{delay}}} |
Animation: | {{{animation}}} |
Cooldown: | {{{cooldown}}} |
Duration: | {{{duration}}} |
Target: | {{{target}}} |
Range: | {{{range}}} cells |
Range: | {{{range_x}}} cells |
Knock Back: | {{{knock}}} cells |
Area of Effect: | {{{area}}} |
Property: | [[{{{element}}}]] |
Status: | {{{status}}} |
Catalyst: | {{{catalyst}}} |
Item: | {{{item}}} |
Ammunition: | {{{ammo}}} |
Weapon: | [[{{{weapon}}}]] or [[{{{weapon2}}}]] or [[{{{weapon3}}}]] |
Equipment: | [[{{{equip}}}]] |
Alt. Equipment: | [[{{{equip2}}}]] |
{{{cf_name}}}: | {{{cf_value}}} |
Status Icon: | [[Image:I_{{{s_icon}}}.png]] |
Prerequisites | |
{{{prereqs}}} |
This template displays an info box for a skill and should be used at the beginning of all skill pages. Any changes should be discussed on the Talk page beforehand.
{{Skill Info |class= |class2= |class3= |class4= |type= |levels= |prereqs= |quest= |spcost= |hpcost= |time= |cast_fix= |cast_var= |delay= |cooldown= |animation= |duration= |target= |range= |range_x= |area= |knock= |element= |status= |catalyst= |item= |ammo= |weapon= |weapon2= |weapon3= |equip= |equip2= |cf_name= |cf_value= |s_icon= }}
Remember to erase the empty fields.
Mandatory Fields
Field | Description | Auto-adds Category |
class | The class that the skill belongs to. In case of cross-class skills, add the 1st Class or alphabetically first occurring class name here (ex. Vulture's Eye: Archer, Rogue; Heal: Acolyte, Crusader, Super Novice; Safety Wall: Priest, Mage, Super Novice; etc). | Category:<class> |
type | Main type of the skill. Values have to be "Active", "Passive", "Offensive", "Supportive". | Category:<type> |
levels | Maximum levels of the skill. Being a string variable, adding comments after the number is possible. Ex: Levels: "5, selectable" | - |
prereqs | Additional skills that must have learned before acquiring this skill. Order of class listing: 1st, 2-1/2-2, Extended. Style example: (Mage and Super Novice) Napalm Beat Lv. 7, Soul Strike Lv. 5; (Priest) Aspersio Lv. 4, Sanctuary Lv. 3 | - |
quest | Quest that must be cleared before acquiring this skill. If it has one, set this field instead of {{{prereqs}}}. | Category:Quest Skills |
Optional Fields
Field | Description | Auto-adds Category if used |
class2 | Use in case of cross class skills. | Category:<class2> |
class3 | Use in case of cross class skills. | Category:<class3> |
class4 | Use in case of cross class skills. | Category:<class4> |
spcost | SP Cost required to initiate the skill. | - |
hpcost | HP Cost required to initiate the skill. | Category:HP Consuming Skills |
time | Cast Time ("5 seconds", etc), only if any. | - |
cast_fix | Fixed Cast Time of a skill. | - |
cast_var | Variable Cast Time of a skill. | - |
delay | Cast Delay/After Cast/Skill Delay/Global Delay ("2 seconds", "ASPD Based", etc), only if any. | - |
animation | Animation delay of the skill | - |
cooldown | Skill Re-use Delay. For skills that have a re-use delay specific to that skill, this is distinct from Cast Delay. | - |
duration | Lasting time of the skill/skill's effect ("30 seconds", "1 minute", etc). | - |
target | Target (ground, self, party, enemy, etc). | not yet implemented |
range | Range (Melee, Magic, 3, 4, etc). | If value is is "Melee", Category:Melee Skills If value is "Magic", Category:Magic Skills If value is numeric, Category:Ranged Skills |
range_x | Non-conditional Range value for skills that do have a cell-range, but where it is irrelevant from the standpoint of defensive skills or gears because of their non-offensive nature. | - |
area | Area of Effect (3x3, 7x7, etc). | Category:AoE Skills |
knock | Knock Back push amount (2, 7, etc). | Category:Knock Back Skills |
element | Primary property, if applicable ("Water", "Holy", "Neutral", etc). | Category:Forced Element Skills |
status | Status Effect the skill inflicts on the target. | Category:Status Inflicting Skills |
catalyst | Item the skill consumes upon casting. | Category:Item Consuming Skills |
item | Specific item that must be present in the inventory, or equipped, prior to use the skill. | Category:Item Dependant Skills |
ammo | Ammunition the skill uses upon execution. ("Arrows (1)", "Bullets (10)", etc) | Category:Ammunition Skills |
weapon | Weapon that must be equipped in order for the skill to execute. | Adds category per Weapon. i.e. Category:Dagger Skills |
weapon2 | For skills with multiple allowable weapons. | Adds category per Weapon. i.e. Category:Dagger Skills |
weapon3 | For skills with multiple allowable weapons. | Adds category per Weapon. i.e. Category:Dagger Skills |
equip | Equipment item that must be worn for the skill to execute. | Adds category per Equipment type. i.e. Category:Shield Skills |
equip2 | For skills with multiple required equipment types. | Adds category per Equipment type. i.e. Category:Shield Skills |
cf_name | Custom Field Name, in case none of the above field criteria apply. Set text will get bolded, use in conjunction with cf_value. | - |
cf_value | Custom Field Value, set this if you have cf_name set also. Setting this without cf_name, it will simply get ignored. | - |
s_icon | Status Icon that is shown when the skill is in effect, if applicable. Use the filename found in Status Icons as I_(field).png (between "I_" and ".png")
- |
Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 10 августа 2021 в 14:21.