Версия от 13:19, 13 сентября 2021; Taz (обсуждение | вклад) (1 версия импортирована)
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Interstellar Railroad (2 of 4)

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Main article: Interstellar Railroad
ObjectivePickup 30x Reports (3.0 m3) and deliver to agent station
Ship suggestionFast frigate or shuttle
Rewards20,000 ISK + 21 LP + 20,000 ISK (additional, if completed in 1 hour)
Mission briefing
Well, first of all, have you heard of this group that calls itself the "Secret Starway"? It's a cult of some kind, comprised of traitors and murderers who are working to bring about the downfall of all we hold dear. And my sources tell me there may be a sect of the group located near here. It's our job to see that they are dealt with.

To do that, I need a number of reports that have been collected at another station not far from here. So, your first job is to collect these reports and bring them back here so I and my staff can figure out the best next step.


Next: Interstellar Railroad (3 of 4)

Mission reports - COSMOS - Epic arcs - Faction warfare missions
Blitzing - Loyalty Points
General PvE info
Factions - NPC damage types - NPC naming conventions - Fitting ships

Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 13 сентября 2021 в 13:19.