Версия от 13:16, 13 сентября 2021; Taz (обсуждение | вклад) (1 версия импортирована)
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Clean Hands – Rust in Peace (4 of 5)

Amarr COSMOS mission
Agent: Hetras Dakumon
Agent location: The Bonfire (Munory)
Standings required: 2.00
Parts: (1 of 5), (2 of 5), (3 of 5), (4 of 5), (5 of 5)

ObjectiveRetrieve Foreman's Head
FactionBlood Raiders
Best damage to dealElectromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resistElectromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
RewardsRandom small storyline BPC
Mission briefing
Now we can get back to taking care of those damned Blood Raiders. You've already visited one of their outposts here in Araz, the old imperial fortress over in Koona, the Bastion of Blood. The Blood Raiders are refurbishing the old keep and intend to make it into an impregnable stronghold. Needless to say, that won't do. We must foil their efforts now before the fortress's defenses come online. Mind you, the Blood Raiders are as hard to get rid of as cockroaches, so I don't intend for you to wipe them out for good. But if we strike them enough times, they might give up eventually.

There's a foreman overseeing the reconstruction of the old keep. If we can take him out, we'll at least delay them until a new foreman has been appointed. Bring me back that foreman's head.

The head is found in Contested Amarr Bastion of Blood third room.

Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 13 сентября 2021 в 13:16.