Версия от 13:20, 13 сентября 2021; Taz (обсуждение | вклад) (1 версия импортирована)
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Location Location (Gallente Federation)

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name=Location, Location, Level 5

//(This is a first draw, it's not complete. Sorry for that)//

Part 1 of 5

Faction: Gallente
Mission type: Encounter
Space type: Deadspace with Gate
Web/Scramble: All Frigates
Extras: Gallente Energy Neutralizer Sentry IIIs, DAMP
Damage dealt: KIN 58% / Therm 42%
Recommended damage dealing: KIN/Therm
Recommended ships: (1) Tengu passive (Done with 2 BallisticCS and 3 ShieldPR)

Acceleration Gate into Deadspace

Single Pocket

Initial Group Contact’s ship is present at Warp-In at 15km away. But 20 seconds later you are notified in Local that, Oh sh--, “It’s a Trap!” The Contact's ship vanishes and instead an Gallente Fleet uncloaks near the same spot. Ships are 25-40km to the right of Warp-In

Шаблон:Image url="http://i609.photobucket.com/albums/tt174/climb22033/LocationLocation5-1.jpg" title="Spawns" alt="groups"
Your position at warp-in

3 x Frigates (...) orbits at 10km, DAMP**, **25% Web/Scramble**, --**Trigger 1-- 3 x Cruisers (...) orbits at 7-19km, DAMP 12 x Battleships (Federation Praktor Hexeris*/Phanix/Magister^^) orbits of 25-40km, *Trigger 2**, ^^**Trigger 3 5 x Gallente Cruise Missile Batteries --**Each is a Trigger**-- 1 x Gallente Stasis Tower 3 x Gallente Energy Neutralizer Sentry IIIs

- Spawn 1
3 x Frigates (...) orbits at 4km, Web/Scramble

- Spawn 2
2 x Battleships (Federation Praktor Hexeris) orbits at 17-49km

- Spawn 3
3 x Battleships (Federation Praktor Magister) orbits at 49km

Each Missile Battery is a Trigger Triggered ships spawn at the Warp-In Beacon when the following Batteries are destroyed

Шаблон:Image url="http://i609.photobucket.com/albums/tt174/climb22033/LocationLocation5-2.jpg" title="Missile Batteries" alt="From warp in beacon"

View of Batteries from warp-in beacon


Battery 1 (Top) - Spawns:
5 x Battleships (...) orbits of 17-49km

Battery 2 (Left) - Spawns:
3 x Battleships (Federation Praktor Polemo) orbits at 30km, Trigger - Spawn 2a
6 x Battlecruisers (Federation Praktor Diablik) orbits at 30km Trigger - Spawn 2b
5 x Battleships (Federation Praktor Polemo) orbits at 30km Objective Complete

Battery 3 (Middle) - Spawns:
3 x Battleships (...) orbits at 21km, DAMP

Battery 4 (Right) - Spawns:
5 x Battlecruisers (...) orbits at 9-22km

Battery 5 (Bottom) - Spawns:
5 x Battlecruisers (...) orbits of 9-22km

    • BLIZ:**

Destroy the frigs Destroy the DAMPENING cruisers Destroy the Stasis web tower Destroy the LEFT tower, then the triggered spawns one after the other until objetive is completed

    • Tips**

Use a Passive Tank or plan a capacitor that receives an additional 120 units/s Maximum damage dealing of initial group is about 2000 hp/s (TH 60%, KIN 40%) Do not shoot Missile Batteries first (unless you can tank over 4000 hp/s...) Mission totals 33 Battleships, 16 Battlecruisers, 3 Cruisers, 6 Frigates Mission flagged complete when all "Battery 2 (Left)" spawns are destroyed

Part 2 of 5

See HardWay5ga The Hard Way (2 of 5)

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Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 13 сентября 2021 в 13:20.