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Soft Drink Wars — Turn Wiki

Версия от 13:23, 13 сентября 2021; Taz (обсуждение | вклад) (1 версия импортирована)
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ObjectiveBring the stolen formula to your agent (0.1 m3)
Best damage to dealKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resistKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Mission briefing
I just received an emergency communication from an insider in the Quafe Corporation. Perhaps you've heard of them, the single biggest soft drink manufacturer in the galaxy? Thanks to Quafe's assistance in resolving the Girani-Fa incident, their presence and political clout within the Empire has grown tremendously.

Anyway, Quafe has been secretly developing a new soft drink called Quafe Unleashed that they say will revolutionize the entire soft drink industry. But only hours ago, the formula was stolen. Security records show that a Quafe employee, an Amarrian named <pirate name>, has just left the station with the top-secret formula in his possession. Quafe representatives believe that he might be on his way to try to sell or deliver the formula to one of Quafe's competitors, and have offered a reward for the recovery of the formula.

Now, the Amarr government has spoken out against this act of corporate terrorism, but so far they haven't taken any overt actions to deal with it. We could make big points if we could find <pirate name>. We were able to track him for a while, and we've just heard that he's now in the <system> system. I'll upload the coordinates to your NeoCom. Stop him before he meets his contact, and bring back the formula.

Oh, and make sure you keep this to yourself. Quafe doesn't want it to get out that this formula even exists.

Before the acceleration gate

In the local chat on warp in:
<pirate name>: No, the public needs to know what's in this formula. People deserve to know what Quafe is up to! You can't stop me!

<pirate name> is about to jump!

Pirates warp in as named pirate warps out

Frigate 3 x Frigate Mercenary Rookies

Pocket 1

In the local chat on warp in:
<pirate name>: You have to let me go! They're trying to create a legion of mind-controlled Quafe-guzzlers!

Mercenary Leader: Turn that intruder into a cloud of shrapnel! That formula will bring us a horde of new recruits!

Group of pirates, 20-30 km

Frigate 1 x Frigate Mercenary Leader
Frigate 5 x Frigate Mercenary Rookies
Frigate 1 x Frigate Galin Famis/Choon Mirith/...
Agent message after completing the mission:
Nice work. But I wonder why the formula has this psychotropic drug in it...?

Hm. Well, never mind. Sometimes it's best not to know.


Battlecruisers and larger ships cannot use jump gate.
Video: [Punisher]

Notes on structures and mission lore:
Seems like pocket structures depend on mission region or faction that gives mission (as well as pirates names).

One of the pocket structure drops some commodities.
Minmatar Region:
Pirate name - Choon Mirith.
Roadhouse drops Frozen Food and Data Reports.
Amarr region:
Pirate name - Galin Famis.
Breeding Facility drops a large number of slaves.

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