Версия от 13:24, 13 сентября 2021; Taz (обсуждение | вклад) (1 версия импортирована)
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The Assault (Minmatar Republic)

Mission Reports

Security Reports
Distribution Reports
Mining Reports

Mission Guides

Security Guide
Distribution Guide
Mining Guide

Special Missions

Epic Arcs
Data Center
Faction Warfare

Helpful Links

NPC standings
NPC damage types
NPC naming conventions
Loyalty Points
Gaining faction standings fast
The Ploy
Mission ships
Career Agents

This article details the Minmatar variant of this mission. For other faction variants, see The Assault (disambiguation).

The Assault is a Level 4 combat mission. It has multiple faction variants.

Best damage to dealExplosive damage Ex
Damage to resistExplosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Warp disruptionYes (Chief Republic Magni)
EWARTarget painting
Ship size limit?


1st Pocket

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2nd Pocket

Reinforcements spawns will appear near the noted object in space.

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In the first pocket, use the following kill order:

  1. 4x Battlecruisers
  2. 2x Elite Frigates
  3. 3x Elite Cruisers
  4. 2x Elite Frigates

It is necessary to one-shot each of the elite frigates in Group 3 in order to avoid immediately spawning reinforcements. The acceleration will be unlocked as long as there are no remaining hostile targets. If reinforcements spawn (whether due to not one-shotting the frigates, or taking too long to activate the gate), the gate will be locked until all hostile targets are destroyed.

In the second pocket, approach the Dysfunctional Solar Harvester. The mission is flagged as completed once the first three spawns have been destroyed.

Mission reports - COSMOS - Epic arcs - Faction warfare missions
Blitzing - Loyalty Points
General PvE info
Factions - NPC damage types - NPC naming conventions - Fitting ships

Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 13 сентября 2021 в 13:24.