Версия от 13:24, 13 сентября 2021; Taz (обсуждение | вклад) (1 версия импортирована)
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The Good Word

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ObjectiveRetrieve 1 x Preacher (1.0m³) from Yunshin Z refining complex.
FactionScions of the Superior Gene (Caldari State ships)
Best damage to dealKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resistKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Ship suggestionBattlecruiser
ExtraNo bounty
Mission briefing
Have you heard those crazy sermons that people are talking about? The ones delivered by this self-proclaimed “prophet” who calls himself Tolmak? Yeah, that freak who's trying to create a religion. He's got a lot of converts among the discontents of our little corner of the universe. But he's also got a lot of enemies, people who don't like what he's been spewing. People who might try to kill him. Thing is, certain powerful people find him useful. A nice distraction from more political pursuits. They'd like him alive.

One of his acolytes set up shop in our little corner of the universe and began preaching to the locals. This “priest” is not exactly causing trouble, but he's making certain powerful people uncomfortable. Not only that, but we've heard reports of violence against this cult in other sectors. We'd like to quietly remove this man from the picture and avoid any possibility for backlash in our own areas. At the same time, we don't want to make a martyr out of him and build further support for this cult. The situation needs to be handled discreetly.

He's currently preaching on Yunshin Z, a refining complex. This is a low population industrial center with little contact to the outside world. We can afford to make bold moves here. Your task is to find this preacher and return him to us. We'll handle the rest.

The Prophet of the Seventh Sphere

Religious freaks like to spread all sorts of apocalyptic messages, and in recent times there are few who have captured the imagination of conspiracy theorists in the way that Tolmak has. The so-called “Prophet of the Seventh Sphere,” Tolmak is an enigmatic and elusive character. He has never shown himself publicly for fear of reprisal, and relies instead of proxies to spread his word. Others say his real strength comes from the media outlets that cover these preachers. Outlets that, for their own part, are mostly concerned with the profit to be made from the inevitable controversy his message brings.

Among other things, Tolmak's elaborate revelations paint a universe governed by demonic forces that secretly control the heads of all the empires. He reserves special bile for the capsuleer class, teaching that their clones are not actually the same person reborn, but are instead, demonic simulacra.

Activate the first gate before the NPCs spawn, grab the preacher from the container, and warp out.

Pocket 1

Message from the Preacher
Greetings, pilot. Have you come to listen, or with violence in mind?
Wave 1

Cruiser 6 x Cruiser Scions of the Superior Gene
Cruiser 4 x Friendly Cruiser Tolmak's Zealots
Message from the Preacher
Be warned, the Scions of the Superior Gene are incoming. They're a militant splinter group that labled us heretics and will wipe out me, you, and every colonist here. If you help stop them, I'll come willingly.

The pocket starts off empty. After a few seconds, 8 enemy cruisers spawn, but two of them are scripted to blow up when the friendly cruisers arrive. The friendly cruisers simply stay in the pocket and do not engage the enemies. It has been reported that one might be able to activate the acceleration gate before the NPCs spawn, thus circumventing the first pocket entirely.

Wave 2

Cruiser 5 x Cruiser Scions of the Superior Gene
Tolmak's Zealots
You must save the preacher! The gate has been unlocked; go while we cover you, noble capsuleer!

After disposing of the last enemy in the initial wave, five additional enemy cruisers spawn. The gate will be unlocked at this point, and thus engaging the second wave is optional.

Pocket 2


Cruiser 6 x Cruiser Scions of the Superior Gene
Container 1 x Preacher's Quarters Preacher
Message from the Scions
Fool! Tolmak's gnats won't stop us!

The objective is in the Preacher's Quarters, which you can loot without engaging the enemies. Update: 2021.02.08 - auto aggro from the NPCs in pocket 2. The damage output is significant. Good tank recommended.

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Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 13 сентября 2021 в 13:24.