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The Uprising (2 of 2) — Turn Wiki

Версия от 13:27, 13 сентября 2021; Taz (обсуждение | вклад) (1 версия импортирована)
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Caldari COSMOS mission
Agent: Ryuki Sakkaro
Agent location: NOH Recruitment Center (Ishisomo)
Standings required: none
Parts: (1 of 2), (2 of 2)

ObjectiveDeliver 3x Rifles (6 m3)
Rewardsrandom 10 run ME5, TE2 storyline BPC, Calrari State faction standing
Mission briefing
I have another task for you, my friend. Small outbreaks have been popping up around Vahunomi X - Moon 4 - State and Region Bank Vault and the local police authorities are having troubles defusing the situation. Please deliver these rifles, they will prove a valuable aid and my superiors would definitely notice if you played a part in this.

Simple courier mission.
