Fear of Angels

Angel Sound
Chapter 1: Rapture

1a The Balance of Power
1b Mistaken Identity
1c Headhunted
2 New Opportunities
3 Fight or Flight

Chapter 2a: Heaven

4 Serpentis Fill-In
5 Ride to the Rescue
6 The Best Kind of Revenge
7 Wrath of Angels
8 Dominus
9 The Lesser of Two

Chapter 2b: Utopia

4 Natural Consequences
5 Clear the Way
6 Salvage Heist
7 Rabbit Trap
8 Dominus
9 The Lesser of Two

Chapter 3: Paradise

10.1a Situation Normal
10.2a Breaking the Lock
10b Data Destruction
11 Fear of Angels

Best damage to dealAny
Damage to resistOmni
RewardsCynabal Blueprint Copy (1 run) + +30% Angel Cartel Faction Standing + 1M ISK (6h)
Extra10M ISK worth CONCORD Star Emblem
Mission briefing
Aren't you the lucky one? All the carnage you've inflicted on our enemies has caught the attention of SARO. They are the best that CONCORD has to offer, and they're not to be balked at.

This particular SARO pilot's name is Treonis, and she's been asking for you personally. My guess? Taking you out is her bid at a promotion.

Normally, we would launch a whole campaign to remove CONCORD scum from our space, but my superiors want to see you handle this situation. If you can destroy Treonis, I'm authorized to reward you with a single run blueprint for one of our rarer ships, the Cynabal.

Treonis is waiting for you by an abandoned colony in Jamunda. Destroy her, and the blueprint is yours.

Despite CONCORD's strong association with empire space, they occasionally sponsor larger campaigns out in nullsec. These excursions are targeted at the "pirate" factions under the justification of returning the violence committed in high security space. CONCORD's Special Affairs for Regulations & Order (SARO) is uniquely suited for these campaigns. Their training, hardware, and skill make them a threat not to be taken lightly.

Gated deadspace pocket up to five jump away. Take the Gate and kill


  • Marshal Treonis has 55% omni Shield and Armour Resistances and approached at 3000 m/s
  • Marshal Treonis will have 1000 m/s if you try to orbit her at 500 m
  • Loot and sell the the CONCORD Star Emblem from Marshal Treonis' wreck for 10M ISK in System


Transmission from Treonis
I'm surprised you showed up.

I'd pretend you were under arrest, but we both know you'd resist. I'll just kill you a few dozen times.


Acceleration Gate 1 x Acceleration Gate

Room 1

Group 1 (95 km)

Elite Frigate 1 x Elite Frigate Marshal Treonis 1x CONCORD Star Emblem

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