Situation Normal

Angel Sound
Chapter 1: Rapture

1a The Balance of Power
1b Mistaken Identity
1c Headhunted
2 New Opportunities
3 Fight or Flight

Chapter 2a: Heaven

4 Serpentis Fill-In
5 Ride to the Rescue
6 The Best Kind of Revenge
7 Wrath of Angels
8 Dominus
9 The Lesser of Two

Chapter 2b: Utopia

4 Natural Consequences
5 Clear the Way
6 Salvage Heist
7 Rabbit Trap
8 Dominus
9 The Lesser of Two

Chapter 3: Paradise

10.1a Situation Normal
10.2a Breaking the Lock
10b Data Destruction
11 Fear of Angels

ObjectiveDisrupt Boundless Creations communications network
FactionMinmatar Republic
Best damage to dealExplosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Damage to resistExplosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Rewards7M ISK + 1M ISK (6h)
Extra0.03% Minmatar Republic Faction Standing loss
Mission briefing
Boundless Creations has a communications array keeping tabs on the research base. If you attack the base now, they'll call in reinforcements and make your life difficult.

The good news is that they've attempted to hide the array inside a gas cloud rather than protect it in the open. They expect it to be undetected, and to most people it would be. Our scouts have uncovered the area though, and have observed engineers living at the compound. They will be carrying a security code which you must recover. You will be able to use it to deactivate the array without alerting the main Boundless Creation fleet.

Gated deadspace pocket one jump away. Kill the Boundless Creations Engineers, pick up the Boundless Creations Security Codes from the Cargo Container and place them into the Communications Array.

Complete the Mission remotely.


  • Prepare about 500 Faction Rockets, the Boundless Creations Engineers has a lot of Effective Health



Acceleration Gate 1 x Acceleration Gate

Room 1

Group 1 (85 km)

Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Boundless Creations Engineers Boundless Creations Security Codes


Structure 1 x Communications Array

Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 13 сентября 2021 в 13:23.