The Quartermaster - AWOL (3 of 5)

Minmatar COSMOS mission
Agent: Poreg Murchor
Agent location: Thin Red Line (Traun)
Standings required: 6.00 Minmatar Republic
Parts: (1 of 5), (2 of 5), (3 of 5), (4 of 5), (5 of 5)

ObjectiveRetrieve 4x Republic Fleet Deserters (4 m3)
FactionThukker Tribe
Best damage to dealExplosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Damage to resistExplosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
RewardsFaction ammo
Mission briefing
The loss of our headquarters was a tremendous shock to us. Not only did many good man and women lose their lives there, but it also gave the rest of us a serious fright. The combat efficiency of our troops is abysmal and the worst part of it all is that the desertion rate has climbed dramatically. Only in the last month almost hundred pilots deserted. Most have fled home and they're are out of our reach and not our concern. But some are still around, having joined the rebels, or worse, become brigands themselves. It is the latter I'm especially keen on tracking down.

I need to get out a strong sign that deserters will not be treated kindly. Deserting from the Republic Fleet is treason and is punishable by death. Morale is bad enough as it is and if people start thinking that desertion is the easy way out, our cause is lost. Unfortunately, those that desert, particularly those that go and join the pirates, know this. So they have dug themselves in, waiting for the inevitable repercussion to arrive. That means that those that go after these brigands must have exceptional battle prowess. They will be going up against trained soldiers caught in a corner with nowhere to run. That makes them desperate, and desperate people are always more dangerous. I have marked you as someone capable to handling such a difficult assignment. You will be well rewarded if you choose to hunt these deserters down and bring them back to me. Dead or alive.

Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 13 сентября 2021 в 13:24.