The Quartermaster - FUBAR (4 of 5)

Minmatar COSMOS mission
Agent: Poreg Murchor
Agent location: Thin Red Line (Traun)
Standings required: 6.00 Minmatar Republic
Parts: (1 of 5), (2 of 5), (3 of 5), (4 of 5), (5 of 5)

ObjectiveDeliver Republic Repair Kit (1 m3)
RewardsRepaired keycard + 3 run Soryline BPC
Mission briefing
Thanks again for a job well done with those deserters. One of the pilots I've hired to hunt them down managed to catch one alive. He's been in interrogation for awhile now. He was stubborn at first, but we've been persistent and now he's squealing like a pig. Most of it is just gibberish, but some of it's been sensible. And if what he's telling is true, we've got a serious situation on our hands.

It seems that many of these desertions are not just some random panic attacks. There's a Thukker tribe leader, going by the name Norak Pakkul, hiding out in the contested complex here in Traun that actually has the nerve to recruit Republic pilots for his band of gangsters. And with the jittery nerves of our pilots, he's actually been quite successful. Needless to say, this guy has to be brought down before he damages our cause further.

The only problem is that you cannot access the room he's in without the proper authorization. The Angels keep a tight control on their access cards, so I've been at a loss on how to get to this guy. But I've been digging around and found out that there is another way. It seems the old Nefantar access cards are still useable. I heard about a guy out by the Sister Camp that had repaired some damaged cards he received and made them operational again. My pilots have brought back all kinds of stuff they've picked up in the contested complex and I actually have a good number of these old Nefantar keycards.

All I need are the tools to fix one of these keycards. I want to do this quickly before this Pakkul guy discovers we're on to him and makes himself scarce. So I'm asking you to whisk over into Minmatar space and bring me one of those Fleet repair kits that makes this kind of a job a breeze. Again, I'll make this interesting for you by giving you a good bonus reward if you hurry. Once this is done, we're all set to take this Norak Pakkul out of the picture for good.

Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 13 сентября 2021 в 13:24.