Квест на профессию Bard/Бард: различия между версиями

м Added small note about Jack Frost as that's the name mentioned in the NPC dialogue, but still goes to the same quest.
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Строка 47: Строка 47:

'''3'''. Once you become friends with Mr. Snowman, return to the '''Wandering Bard (Lalo)''' to finish the quest. He will require the player to type exactly what he sings.
'''3'''. Once you become friends with Mr. Snowman, return to the '''Wandering Bard (Lalo)''' to finish the quest. He will require the player to type exactly what he sings.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; margin: 1em auto 1em auto;"
! Песня № 1 !! Песня № 2 !! Песня № 3
| There was a man || A Merchant without money or equipment, || All Gods never age.
| who was said to be immortal. || a Merchant that couldn't sell anything. || The ever so Beautiful Goddess Eden,
| His name Jichfreid, || But he was too proud to beg. || Beautiful and graceful Goddess Eden,
| Son of the hero Jichmunt. || So he gathered some money selling items. || Odin's daughter-in-law and Bragi's wife.
| The evil giant Papner, || At first he only sold Red Potions. || Her sweet apples in her basket,
| Turned into a dragon and ate him. || Some say he sold Sweet Potatoes, too. || All thanks to her sweet apples.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; margin: 1em auto 1em auto;"
! Песня № 4 !! Песня № 5
| Bragi, Bragi, || Louder, louder, louder.
| Forever call the poets name. || Give strength to the warriors!
| My songs are his breath, || Shake the sky and roar through the land.
| My mind is his will, || Make my heart pound again!
| All wandering poets are his people, || Let the castle walls ring.
| And all praise shall go to him. || This day will never come again!

Текущая версия от 10:49, 3 сентября 2024

Базовый уровень: None
Job Уровень: 40
Класс: Archer
Требуются вещи (забираются):: One type of flower (1.)

938.png 1 Sticky Mucus
1024.png 1 Squid Ink
Trunks (Optional)

Quest Corequisite(s): Snowysnow Quest
Вещи(s): Instrument (Varies/Optional)
Квестовая награда: Jobchange to Bard

Note: click the coordinates to copy them, and paste them into the game chat to be directed to the location.

1. Find the Wandering Bard (Lalo) in Comodo. This is a short distance from the bottom right of the Kafra. After a short conversation with the bard he will request that the player brings him a flower.

Location of the Wandering Bard

The flower must be one of the following:

2. Once you have given the bard a flower, he will tell you to go to Lutie to become friends with Snowysnow (NPC will say Jack Frost in the dialogue).

3. Once you become friends with Mr. Snowman, return to the Wandering Bard (Lalo) to finish the quest. He will require the player to type exactly what he sings.

Песня № 1 Песня № 2 Песня № 3
There was a man A Merchant without money or equipment, All Gods never age.
who was said to be immortal. a Merchant that couldn't sell anything. The ever so Beautiful Goddess Eden,
His name Jichfreid, But he was too proud to beg. Beautiful and graceful Goddess Eden,
Son of the hero Jichmunt. So he gathered some money selling items. Odin's daughter-in-law and Bragi's wife.
The evil giant Papner, At first he only sold Red Potions. Her sweet apples in her basket,
Turned into a dragon and ate him. Some say he sold Sweet Potatoes, too. All thanks to her sweet apples.
Песня № 4 Песня № 5
Bragi, Bragi, Louder, louder, louder.
Forever call the poets name. Give strength to the warriors!
My songs are his breath, Shake the sky and roar through the land.
My mind is his will, Make my heart pound again!
All wandering poets are his people, Let the castle walls ring.
And all praise shall go to him. This day will never come again!

4. After successfully copying the bard's lyrics, he will change your job to Bard. Upon job change, the bard offers to give you one weapon, depending on which kind of trunks you have:

Trunk Instrument
1019.png 60 Trunk 1901.png 1 Violin [3]
1067.png 60 Solid Trunk 1903.png 1 Mandolin [2]
1066.png 60 Fine grained Trunk 1905.png 1 Lute [2]
1066.png 60 Fine grained Trunk + Job Level 50 1910.png 1 Harp [2]
Bard & Minstrel
2nd Class
Solo Skills Amp · Encore · Impressive Riff (Slow Grace) · Magic Strings (Lady Luck) · Melody Strike · Music Lessons · Pang Voice · Perfect Tablature (Focus Ballet) · Song of Lutie (Gypsy's Kiss) · Unbarring Octave · Unchained Serenade
Ensemble Skills Acoustic Rhythm · Battle Theme · Classical Pluck · Down Tempo · Harmonic Lick · Lullaby · Mental Sensing · Power Cord · Ragnarok
Solo Skills Arrow Vulcan · Marionette Control · Tarot Card of Fate · Longing for Freedom · Hermode's Rod
Ensemble Skills Sheltering Bliss
Quests Bard Job Change Guide · Bard Skill Quest · Rebirth Walkthrough
Weapons Bow · Instrument

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