Note: click the coordinates to copy them, and paste them into the game chat to be directed to the location.
1. Find the Wandering Bard (Lalo)
in Comodo. This is a short distance from the bottom right of the Kafra. After a short conversation with the bard he will request that the player brings him a flower.
2. Once you have given the bard a flower, he will tell you to go to Lutie to become friends with Snowysnow (NPC will say Jack Frost in the dialogue).
3. Once you become friends with Mr. Snowman, return to the Wandering Bard (Lalo) to finish the quest. He will require the player to type exactly what he sings.
4. After successfully copying the bard's lyrics, he will change your job to Bard. Upon job change, the bard offers to give you one weapon, depending on which kind of trunks you have: