Версия от 22:38, 5 мая 2021; Taz (обсуждение | вклад)
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Super Novice Job Change Guide

Базовый уровень: 45
Job Уровень: 10
Класс: Novice
Требуются вещи (забираются):: 907.png 30 Resin

938.png 30 Sticky Mucus

Вещи(s): 2339.png Pantie
Квестовая награда: Jobchange to Super Novice

1. Head to Al De Baran and go to the Windmill building in the southwest region of the map (116, 63). Enter the room to the left and talk to Tzerero.

2. He will ask you to bring the following items:

3. Once you bring the items, and if you fulfill the following requirements, you will be changed into a Super Novice:

  • Job Level 10
  • Base Level 45

3. In honor of successfully changing into a Super Novice, you will receive a pair of Panties.

Super Novice
Skills Acolyte Angelus · Aqua Benedicta · Blessing · Cure · Decrease Agility · Demon Bane · Divine Protection · Heal · Increase Agility · Pneuma · Ruwach · Signum Crusis · Teleport · Warp Portal
Archer Improve Concentration · Owl's Eye · Vulture's Eye
Mage Cold Bolt · Fire Ball · Fire Bolt · Fire Wall · Frost Diver · Increase SP Recovery · Lightning Bolt · Napalm Beat · Safety Wall · Sight · Soul Strike · Stone Curse · Thunder Storm
Merchant Discount · Enlarge Weight Limit · Item Appraisal · Mammonite · Overcharge · Pushcart · Vending
Swordman Bash · Endure · Increase HP Recovery · Magnum Break · Provoke · Sword Mastery
Thief Detoxify · Envenom · Hiding · Improve Dodge · Steal
Quests Super Novice Job Change Guide
Weapons Dagger · Rod · One Handed Sword

Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 5 мая 2021 в 22:38.